ios-odometer is an Objective-C library for an odometer type animation
An example Xcode project can be found in the example folder. The minimum version of Xcode it was tested with was version 11.3.1
>= ios 12.0
Add the two OdometerView files to your Xcode project. Create an instance of OdometerView with a duration, digit color, and outline color.
This method sets up the odometer with a start and end value.
- (void)setupNumber:(int)number targetNumber:(int)target
This method can be called from a button. It will stop the animation and return the current value seen on the odometer.
- (int)stopOdometerAndGetValue
This table lists some properties shown in the example's ViewController.m file that can be used to customize the look of the odometer.
property | description |
digitColorRGBA | 4 value integer array {red, green, blue, alpha} |
value: 0-255 | |
default: black | |
ex. {10, 20, 30, 255} | |
borderColorRGBA | 4 value integer array {red, green, blue, alpha} |
value: 0-255 | |
default: black | |
ex. {10, 20, 30, 255} | |
fontSize | size in points |
default: 48 | |
duration | Time, in seconds, for an odometer counter to scroll by 1 |
default: .3 | |
If, for example, the odometer is scrolling from 89 to 90, then the 8 and 9 in 89 will individually be set to animate to the next number over 300 milliseconds. | |
useLeadingZeros | When the target value has more digits than the start value show 0's in the extra places on the right. Othewise start with a blank spot that scrolls to 1. |
BOOL | |
default: NO |
The background color can also be set on the newly created instance of OdometerView.
See the ViewController.m file in the example for full details on setting up the odometer.
A brief flicker between the Presentation and Model layers can be seen between number scrolls when running the library in an Xcode v12 simulator. This has been reported as a simulator bug. The odometer should animate fine on an actual device or simulator <= 12.
Tests worked with a duration >= .2 Lower values may provided inconsistent results. Test smaller durations before use in production.
Thanks to RbBtSn0w for RBSOdometer. That project was a great jumping off point and example to learn how to build this component.
ios-odometer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.