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scenario - a configurable item which consists of one or multiple steps and can be executed and asserted by the test infrastructure either as a separate integration test or as a part of the complex scenario having multiple scenarios organized in a hierarchical structure.

step - a building block of a test scenario which contains API call and assert logic. Steps are executed in order.

suite - a combination of test scenarios executed together. For example, financial suite contains all financial test scenarios.


  • Scenario is located in a separate folder. The name of a scenario must be unqiue as scenarios are identified by its folder names. All scenario folders are located under IntegrationTests\test\api\scenarios.

  • Scenario might have one or multiple steps.

  • Scenario has configuration.json file which describes the scenario steps and must corresponds the schema IntegrationTests\test\api\infrastructure\schema\scenarioSchema.json.

How to configure a test scenario

Here are some simple steps you have to go through to configure a new test scenario:

  • Prepare your business scenario broken into simple steps, so that each step corresponds one API call or single action.

  • Create a new folder under IntegrationTests\test\api\scenarios with a unique name.

Note. It's desirable to have scenario folders named conventionally to ensure their uniqueness.

  • Create file with a description of the test scenario.

  • Create configuration.json file under scenario folder.

  • Create steps folder under the newly created scenario folder that will contain all needed files for each step. Each scenario step gets its own folder steps \ [step_folder_name].

  • Create folders for all the steps according to the business scenario you are configuring. The target folder structure of a single test scenario should be

                        [ scenario_folder_name (unqiue) ]
                                [ first_step_folder_name ]
                                [ second_step_folder_name ]

  • Modify configuration.json according to the schema
  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "required": [
  "properties": {
    "code": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Scenario code"
    "description": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Scenario description"
    "initContext": {
      "ref$": "./functionSchema.json#"
    "executeBefore": {
      "type": "array",
      "description": "list of scenarious (folder names) which have to be executed before ",
      "items": {
        "items": {
          "type": "string"
    "steps": {
      "type": "array",
      "description": "Scenario steps",
      "items": {
        "$ref": "./stepSchema.json#"

code - scenario code. Uniqueness of this code isn't currently checked but it might be changed in the future, so try to keep it unique.

description - arbitrary text that will appear as a title of the scenario in the report.

executeBefore - array of scenario folder names which are executed before the current scenario. It allows to build a hierarchical structure of scenarios with the shared context.

initContext - allow to specify a js function that is executed each time when a new context is initialized. You can implement any logic to initilize a shared context.

steps - array of steps configured according to Step configuration instruction.

Scenario context

Context is a JSON object that is used to pass any data across steps as scenario is running. Context is shared between all the scenarios specified as executed before.

For example, you might want to pass partyId from the scenario creating a party to the scenario registering an application.

Step configuration

Step schema:

    "$schema": "",
    "type": "object",
    "additionalProperties": false,
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "code": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Scenario code"
        "description": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Scenario description"
        "actor": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "actor code with which step is executed"
        "requests": {
            "type": "array",
            "description": "list of step requests",
            "items": {
                "description": "step request", 
                "$ref": "./requestSchema.json#"
        "executor": {
            "$ref": "./functionSchema.json#",
            "description": "executor function"
        "assert": {
            "$ref": "./assertSchema.json#",
            "description": "assertion"
        "skip": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "description": "if true step is skipped"


code - step code that is used for identifying steps and to access step's data. It must be unique within whole scenario tree (tree is defined by specifying executeBefore).

description - text description of the steps. It will be presented in the scenario report.

actor - actor code used for API call. Use SuperUser actor unless you want to test operations under particular actor.

requests - allows to specify request objects used as input data. See detailed description in request configuration.

executor - allows to specify js script executing the API call. See detailed description in executor configuration.

assert - allows to specify js script with accertion logic. See detailed description in assert configuration.

skip - if true, the given step is skipped as scenario is executed.


By configuring step requests you are providing incoming data for API call to be executed. To configure requests you have to populate requests array within the step configuration


            "requests": [
                    "code": "application_example",
                    "path": "./steps/contractActivation/application.json", 
                    "schema": "../../../../../../../../../Policy/document/Application/dataSchema.json"
                    "code": "metadata",
                    "path": "./steps/contractActivation/metadata.json"
  • code - request code. It's used to refer to the request data. It must be unique within the step.

  • path - relative path (from configuration.json) to a json file of the request.

  • schema - relative path to a schema file. Not obligatory. If specified, the request is validated against the provided schema.

You can use macroses when configuring request objects.


Macros is a special JSON path expression that provides a text substitution within request object by addressing context attributes with help of json path language.

It gives more flexibility in request configuration and provides a dynamic way to link entities across multiple scenarios without harcoding any specific values.

Please, consider a fragment of an application request body where party attributes are substituted with values from context.

"common": {
        "checkDate": "2019-10-08",
        "dataSource": "DS",
        "partyTypeCode": "NaturalPerson",
        "personCode": "{{$.partyCode}}",
        "riskAssignmentDate": "2019-10-17",
        "riskLevelCode": "LowRisk",
        "segmentCode": "PI",
        "statusCode": "Active",
        "partyId": "{{$.partyId}}",

Any valid JSON path expression enclosed with double curl brackets can be used to access context object. Please, ensure the context properly populated before accessing attributes from request macroses.

There are some examples of JSON path usages:

context = {
    "attribute": "value",
    "items": [
            "name": "name1",
            "age": 10
            "name": "name2",
            "age": 20

{{$.attribute}} - retrieves value of "attribute"
{{$.items[0].name}} - retrieves value of the attribute "name" of the first item
{{$.items[?( == 'name1')].age}} - retrieves value of the attribute "age" of the items with name == "name1"  

Please, refer to the json path documentation

Note, only a single value is currently supported as a result of JSON path expression. So, if your expression retrieves multiple values, the first one is taken.


Executor is a JavaScript function that is used to call API service or another logic according to the step goal.

To configure an executor you have to specify executor object within the step configuration:

"executor": {
                "module": "../../lib/executor/contractExecutor.js",
                "function": "createActivateAmendmentWithMetadata"

module - relative path to js file.

function - function name. The function must be exported from the same module and be marked as async.

Executor function parameters:

step - step configuration object.

context - scenario shared context, available across the steps.

stepContext - step context, available within the step.

async function createApplication(step, context, stepContext) {}

module.exports = {

To access a request object you can get it by code from stepContext parameter:

"requests": [
                    "code": "amendment_example",
                    "path": "./steps/01.amendment/amendment.json"
                    "code": "metadata",
                    "path": "./steps/01.amendment/metadata.json"
    let metadata = stepContext.requests["metadata"];
    let example = stepContext.requests["amendment_example"];

The value(object) returned from executor function is stored as response in the step context.

Step context of the particular step can be accessed from any step by requesting shared context by step code

let fisrtStepRequest = context["first_step_code"].requests["request"];
let firstStepResponse = context["first_step_code"].response;

While it's possible to have a separate executor for each scenario step, it makes sense to have reusable executors for the most popular cases. It simplifies the configuration and maintenance of integration tests.


Asserter is another javascript function that is configured on step level and used to assert fact results with expected values.

"assert": {
                "expected": "./steps/01.paidup/expected.json",
                "module": "../../lib/asserter/finOperationAssert.js",
                "function": "assert"

expected - relative path to json file that contains arbitrary object. This object is accessible from assert function by requesting stepContext and can be used to storing target results of the step execution.

async function assert(step, context, stepContext) {
    let expected = stepContext.expected;

module - relative path to js file.

function - function name. The function must be exported from the same module and marked as async.

Note, as well as for executor it's preferable to have reusable executors.

If accertion involves getting some data from the database, a scpecial helper ApiTestUtils.query2json can ease retrieving data as JSON objects by specified a SQL query and parameters.

const { query2json } = require("../../../../../../../CommonItems/lib/ApiTestUtils");

async function getFinOperations(contractNumber) {
    const operationSql = `[you SQL query here]`;

    return await query2json(operationSql, { contractNumber: contractNumber });

Since pagination isn't supported, be careful when retrieving much data from the database.

Test suite

A test suite is a prepared set of test scenarios which are run together. Test suites are located in \IntegrationTests\test\api\test-suites folder.

Prepared suites

suite filename description how to run
testSuite.json all scenarios yarn run test-suite

How to configure a new suite

  • Prepare a list of scenarios which are going to be a part of a newly created suite Scenario is identified by its folder name (location of configuration.json).

  • Prepare a json file and place it in test-suites folder

        "scenario": "Scenario1",
        "skip": false
        "scenario": "Scenario2",
        "skip": false
        "scenario": "Scenario3",
        "skip": false

scenario - folder name of your test scenario (folder where configuration.json is located)

skip - allows to skip a particular scenario while executing the suite

  • Prepare a npm task to run your suite with yarn run command.

  • Add a new script entry to IntegrationTests\package.json file

"init-suite": "node run-suite.js --suite=./test-suites/initialSuite.json"

--suite - a relative path to a newly created suite.

  • As a result you are able to run a newly created suite with yarn command like
yarn run init-suite


The last report can be showed on the console by executing yarn command

yarn run test-api-report


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