ENS-Score is a machine learning-based scoring function that applies an ensemble-based approach to estimate the confidence of predicted protein-ligand binding affinity values.
Milad Rayka, [email protected]
An ensemble-based approach to estimate confidence of predicted protein–ligand binding affinity values link.
The needed information for installation is provided at AllCodes.ipynb. You can repeat all results of the paper by using AllCodes.ipynb.
The PDBbind dataset and CASF 2016 benchmark are available at https://www.pdbbind.org.cn/.
ECIF-Score and RDKit feature generation codes are available at https://github.com/DIFACQUIM/ECIF.
HydraMap v1.0 software can be downloaded from http://www.siocccbg.ac.cn/software/hydramap.
HydraMap feature generation codes are provided at https://github.com/xiaoyangqu/HydraMapSF. (Require Python 3.7)
3S Application is available at https://github.com/miladrayka/3s_application. (Require Python 3.9)
Python codes of Shulga et al. paper are gathered at http://molmodel.com/hg/sf_fragment_correlation.