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  • Add Shader Graph (v13.1.5) nodes
  • Add Amplify Shader Editor to align the nodes of the Shader Graph
  • Add Full Amplify Shader Editor nodes to Compare
  • Translate the missing nodes to Shader Graph in HDRP
  • Translate the missing nodes to Shader Graph in URP
  • Translate the missing nodes to Amplify Shader Editor
  • Add Shader Graph (v14+) nodes
  • Add Unreal 5 nodes for comparison
  • Attempt to add missing Unreal 5 nodes to Amplify Shader Editor And Shader Graph


  • SG : Shader Graph 13.1
  • ASE : Amplify Shader Editor
  • UE5 : Unreal 5
  • RP : Render Pipline
UE5 (keyword) SG ASE RP comment
Channel Mixer -
Contrast Simple Contrast
HueShift Hue Simple HUE Slightly different
Invert Colors -
Replace Color Replace Colors
Saturate Saturation -
- White Balance -
blends Blend Blend Operations
DitherTemporalAA Dither Dither
Component Mask Channel Mask Component Mask
Color Mask Color Mask
BlendAngleCorrectedNormals Normal Blend Blend Normals Slightly different
normalfromheight Normal From Height Normal From Height
- Normal From Texture Normal From Texture Slightly different
- Normal Reconstruct Z Normal Reconstruct Z
normal strength Normal Strength - [ASE] Replace with 'Scale' Input of 'Texture Sample' Node TOGGLED 'Unpack Normal Map' and 'Unpack Scale Normal' Node
normal unpack Normal Unpack Unpack Scale Normal
hsv / srgb Colorspace Conversion HSV to RGB & RGB to HSV & Gamma To Linear & Linear To Gamma Slightly different
- Sub Graph Dropdown Function Switch Only In Sub Graph and ShaderFunchtion
Combine Append [SG] Combine can also be replaced by Vector 2 or Vector 3 or Vector 4
- Flip Flip [ASE] Available in
BreakOutFloat Components Split Split [UE] Multi Nodes
Component Mask
Swizzle Swizzle [SG] Bugged
If Branch On Input Connection Input Only In [SG] Sub Graph and [ASE] ShaderFunchtion
Static Bool Boolean - [ASE] Replace with 'No Keyword Toggle' in Attributes of Float Node
- Color Color [UE] Replace with Constant 4Vector
Pi Constant Only PI & Tau Replace with number
- Integer Int [ASE] Or Replace with 'Int Range' in Attributes of Float Node
- Slider - [ASE] Replace with 'Max' in Parameters of Float Node
Time Time Time & Sin Time & Cos Time & Delta Time
Constant Float Float
Constant 2Vector Vector 2 Vector 2
Constant 3Vector Vector 3 Vector 3
Constant 4Vector Vector 4 Vector 4
Bitangent Vector Only Vertex Bitangent & World Bitangent Use with 'Transform Direction' nodes
PerInstanceCustomData Instance ID Instance ID [SG] Available in version 12+
VertexNormalWS Normal Vector Only Vertex Normal & World Normal Use with 'Transform Direction' nodes
Position Position Only Vertex Position & World Position Use with 'Transform Position' nodes, read Shadergraph to learn more
Screen Position Screen Position Slightly different
VertexTangentWS Tangent Vector Only Vertex Tangent & World Tangent Use with 'Transform Direction' nodes
TexCoordinate UV Vertex TexCoord Slightly different
VertexColor Vertex Color Vertex Color
- Vertex ID Vertex ID
- View Direction View Dir Slightly different
- View Vector -
BlackBody Blackbody -
Gradient Gradient
Sample Gradient Gradient Sample
DBufferTexture Custom Color Buffer HDRP [SG] Available in version 14+
Custom Depth Buffer HDRP [SG] Available in version 14+
Diffusion Profile Diffusion Profile HDRP
Exposure - HDRP
HD Sample Buffer HDRP [SG] Available in version 14+
HD Scene Color Grab Screen Color HDRP
HD Scene Depth - HDRP [SG] Available in version 14+
ambient(?) Ambient Fog And Ambient Colors URP
Baked GI SRP Baked GI Does not work in HDRP's Unlit Master Node
SkyAtmosphereLightDirection Main Light Direction World Space Light Dir [SG] Available in version 13.1+
Reflection Probe Reflection Probe URP
Matrix 2x2 -
Matrix 3x3 Matrix 3x3
Matrix 4x4 Matrix 4x4
transform matrix Transformation Matrix Model Matrix & Model Matrix ~ Inverse & View Matrix & Inverse View Matrix & Projection Matrix & Inverse Projection Matrix & Inverse View Projection Matrix [ASE] Matrix multiplication vector (non-inverse)
Compute Deformation - Hybrid
Linear Blend Skinning - Hybrid
Dielectric Specular Dielectric Specular
Metal Reflectance -
camera Camera -
Eye Index -
Atmospheric Fog Color (deprecated) Fog Fog And Ambient Colors & Fog Params URP Not Sure
ObjectPositionWS &
Object Object Position & Object Scale [ASE] Object Position is available in
SceneColor Scene Color Grab Screen Color
SceneDepth Scene Depth Scene Depth Slightly different
screen Screen Screen Params
Scene Depth Difference [SG] Available in version 14+
Calculate Level Of Detail Texture 2D -
Cubemap Asset Texture Object [ASE] Locked To Cube of Auto-Cast Mode
Gather Texture 2D -
Sample Cubemap Texture Sample [ASE] Locked To Cube of Auto-Cast Mode
Sample Reflected Cubemap -
Sample Texture 2D Texture Sample
Sample Texture 2D Array Texture Sample [ASE] Locked To Texture 2D Array of Auto-Cast Mode
Sample Texture 2D LOD Texture Sample [ASE] Mip Level of Mip Mode
Sample Texture 3D Texture Sample [ASE] Locked To Texture 3D of Auto-Cast Mode
Sample Virtual Texture Virtual Texture Object & Texture Sample Slightly different
Sampler State Sampler State
Split Texture Transform -
Texel Size / Texture Size Texel Size [SG] Renamed to 'Texture Size' in version 14+
Texture 2D Array Asset Texture Object [ASE] Locked To Texture 2D Array of Auto-Cast Mode
Texture 2D Asset Texture Object [ASE] Locked To Texture 2D of Auto-Cast Mode
Texture 3D Asset Texture Object [ASE] Locked To Texture 3D of Auto-Cast Mode
Abs Absolute Abs
Exponential Exponential Exp & Exp2
Length Length Length
Log Log & Log2 &Log10
Fmod Modulo Fmod
- Negate Negate x * -1
Normalize Normalize Normalize
Posterize -
- Reciprocal Reciprocal [ASE] Available in
SquareRoot Reciprocal Square Root Rsqrt
Add Add Add [ASE] support dynamically port
Divide Divide Divide
Multiply Multiply Multiply [ASE] support dynamically port
Power Power Power
Square Root Sqrt
Subtract Subtract Subtract
- DDXY -
InverseLerpInterpolate Inverse Lerp Inverse Lerp
LerpInterpolate Lerp Lerp
Smoothstep Smoothstep Smoothstep
- Matrix Construction Matrix From Vectors [ASE] No Matrix 2x2
- Matrix Determinant Determinant
- Matrix Split Vector From Matrix
- Matrix Transpose Transpose
Clamp Clamp Clamp
Frac Fraction Fract
Max Maximum Max
Min Minimum Min
OneMinus One Minus One Minus
- Random Range Random Range
Remap Remap Remap Slightly different
Saturate Saturate Saturate
Ceil Ceiling Ceil
Floor Floor Floor
Round Round Round
Sign Sign Sign
Step Step Step
Truncate Truncate Trunc
Arccosine Arccosine ACos
Arcsine Arcsine ASin
Arctangent Arctangent ATan
Arctangent2 Arctangent2 ATan2
Cosine Cosine Cos
DegreesToRadians Degrees To Radians Radians
Hyperbolic Cosine Cosh
Hyperbolic Sine Sinh
Hyperbolic Tangent Tanh
RadiansToDegrees Radians To Degrees Degrees
Sine Sine Sin
Tangent Tangent Tan
CrossProduct Cross Product Cross
Distance Distance Distance
DotProduct Dot Product Dot
Fresnel Effect Fresnel Slightly different
ProjectVectorOntoPlane Projection Projection
CustomReflectionVector Reflection Reflect
Refract Refract Refract [SG] Available in version 14+
- Rejection Rejection
RotateAboutAxis Rotate About Axis Rotate About Axis Slightly different
SphereMask Sphere Mask Sphere Mask Slightly different
Transform (Vector)
Transform Transform Direction & Transform Position
- Noise Sine Wave Noise Sine Wave
- Sawtooth Wave Sawtooth Wave
- Square Wave Square Wave
- Triangle Wave Triangle Wave
Noise Gradient Noise Noise Generator Gradient of Type
Noise Simple Noise Noise Generator Simple of Type
Noise Voronoi Voronoi
- Ellipse Ellipse
Polygon Polygon
Rectangle Rectangle
Rounded Polygon -
Rounded Rectangle Rounded Rectangle
Checkerboard Checkerboard
- All All [ASE] Available in
- And And
- Any Any [ASE] Available in
- Branch - Replace with Compare
If Comparison - Replace with If[Community], but not enough
TwoSidedSign Is Front Face Face
- Is Infinite Is Infinite [ASE] Available in
- Is NaN Is NaN [ASE] Available in
Nand Nand [ASE] Available in
- Not Not [ASE] Available in
- Or Or
Emission HD Emission HDRP
Circle Pupil Animation - HDRP
Cornea Refraction - HDRP
Eye Surface Type Debug - HDRP
Iris Limbal Ring - HDRP
Iris Offset - HDRP
Iris Out of Bound Color Clamp - HDRP
Iris UV Location - HDRP
Sclera Iris Blend - HDRP
Sclera Limbal Ring - HDRP
Sclera UV Location - HDRP
ThreadMapDetail - HDRP
UVCombine - HDRP
Custom Custom Function Custom Expression Only In [SG] Sub Graph and [ASE] ShaderFunchtion. [ASE] is better
StaticSwitch Keyword Static Switch
Right click node Preview - [UE5] Right click to enable preview node
Material Function Sub Graph Shader Function
Flipbook Flipbook Flipbook Slightly different
- Polar Coordinates Polar Coordinates
- Radial Shear Radial Shear
- Rotate Rotator [ASE] The Time port defaults to Degrees, you can connect in Radians
- Spherize Spherize
Tiling And Offset Texture Coordinates
Triplanar Triplanar Sample Slightly different
Twirl Twirl
Parallax Mapping Parallax Mapping Slightly different
Parallax Occlusion Mapping Parallax Occlusion Mapping Slightly different
Sticky Notes Sticky Note
VertexInterpolator Custom Interpolators Vertex To Fragment [SG] Only in Main Graph, not Sub Graph
Graph Target Switch by Pipeline [SG] Only for Shader not node [ASE] Only In ShaderFunchtion
Output Function Output Only In [SG] Sub Graph and [ASE] ShaderFunchtion.
Redirect Relay [SG] Double-click an edge to add
- Bacteria
- Bicubic Precompute
- Bicubic Sample
- Bidirectional Parallax Mapping
- Billboard
- Blinn Phong Light Wrap
- Blinn-Phong Half Vector
- Blinn-Phong Light
- Bone Blend Indices
- Bone Blend Weights
- Box Mask
- Bricks Pattern
- Camera Depth Fade
- Camera To World Matrix
- Clip
- Clip Planes
- Color Space Double
- Common Transform Matrices
- Compare
- Compare With Range
- Compute Filter Width
- Compute Grab Screen Pos
- Compute Screen Pos
- Constant Bias Scale
- Cotangent Frame
- Create Orthogonal Vector
- Custom Screen Position
- Debug Switch
- Decode Depth Normal
- Decode Directional Lighmap
- Decode Float RG Built-in
- Decode Float RGBA Built-in
- Decode Lightmap
- Decode View Normal Stereo Built-in
- Depth Fade
- Depth Masked Refraction
- Derive Tangent Basis
- Desaturate
- Detail Albedo
- Diffuse And Specular From Metallice Built-in
- Distance-based Tessellation
- Dots Pattern
- Edge Length Tessellation
- Edge Length Tessellation With Cull
- Encode Depth Normal Built-in
- Encode Float RG Built-in
- Encode Float RGBA Built-in
- Encode View Normal Stereo Built-in
- FWidth fwidth
- Fetch HD Color Pyramid HDRP
- Fetch Lightmap Value
- Flipbook UV Animation
- Flow
- Remainder a % b (~= Fmod)
- Four Splats First Pass Terrain
- Function Subtitle
Named Reroutes - Get Local Var
- Global Array
- Grab Screen Position
- Grayscale
- Grid
- Half Lambert Term
- Height-based Blending
- HeightMap Texture Blend
- Herringbone
- Hex Lattice
- Houndstooth
- If
- If [Community]
- Indirect Diffuse Light
- Indirect Specular Light
- Inverse
- Inverse Transpose Model View Matrix
- Luminance [ASE] Deprecated, use the Grayscale Node instead
- LOD Fade
- Lambert Light
- Layered Blend
- Lerp White To
- Light Attenuation Non-HDRP
- Light Color [ASE] RGBA and Intensity are not work with HDRP.
- Linear Depth
- Material Quality Non-Built-in
- Midtones Control
- Model View Matrix
- Model View Projection Matrix
- Non Stereo Screen Pos
- Normal Create
- Object Space Light Dir
- Object Space View Dir
- Object To Clip Pos
- Object To View Pos
- Object To World
- Object To World Matrix
- Ortho Params
- Outline Built-in
Panner - Panner
- Parallax Offset
- Perturb Normal
- Perturb Normal HQ
- Pixelate UV
- Position From Transform
- Posterize
- Prepare Perturb Normal HQ
- Primitive ID Non-Built-in
- Procedural Sample
- Projection Matrices
- Projection Params
- Projector Clip Matrix
- Projector Matrix
- Radial UV Distortion
- Reconstruct World Position From Depth
Add Named Reroute - Register Local Var
- SRP Additional Light


Nodes Differences Between Shadergraph And AmplifyShaderEditor







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