Starbound is not a new game, having reached version 1.0 in 2016, and the latest release (currently version 1.4.4) dating to August 2019. However, it is expansive and quieting in a way few games have proved to be. And so, I still play it.
To get this up and running,
You need to provide the Starbound server executable, and mount it to the
directory /app
. If you own the game on Steam, you can download it with
with something like this:
steamcmd +login <steam_username> +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux +force_install_dir ./starbound_linux +app_update 211820 +quit
Note that this will also download all your subscribed mods. The above command can be run on Windows and will download the linux version of the game. It may ask you for your password, and a one-time code (if you have SteamGaurd/2FA active) (your password can also be provided from the commandline).
Now copy over the server executable and the game assets over. In the end, you'll have something like this:
+- assets
| +- user
| | +- songs
| | | +- 12 Days of
| | | +- [a bunch of .abc files]
| | `- _metadata
| `- packed.pak
`- linux
`- starbound_server
You may need to mark the starbound_server
file as executable (chmod +x starbound_server
If you want to move over your existing Universe, you can copy it to folder
mounted as the config
directory. Something like this:
`- universe
+- <hexi-decimal number>.clientcontext
+- <numbers>_<numbers>_<numbers>.system
+- <numbers>_<numbers>_<numbers>_<digit>.world
+- [etc]
+- universe.chunks
`- universe.dat
(The actual files you have will depend on what parts of the universe you've
explored.) Locally, you may also have a players
directory, but the server
doesn't need that.
You can also add mods. One "trick" is that the directories specified in
are not searched recursively, so if you copy over the mods
directly as Steam downloads them, you'll have to list each folder individually.
Personally, I'll rename Steam's contents.pak
to the <steam Id>.pak
and drop
them into the root mods folder. (The root mods folder is set up to be picked up
my the included default configuration.)
The mods
folder in a subfolder of the mounted config
folder. Something like this:
`- mods
+- 729480149.pak
The server runs on port 21025 (which Docker exposes).
The included default starbound config (at /config/sbinit.conf
"assetDirectories" : [
"storageDirectory" : "/config/storage/",
"defaultConfiguration" : {
"gameServerBind" : "*",
"queryServerBind" : "*",
"rconServerBind" : "*"
If you change the mods, you'll have to restart the server for the changes to be loaded.