The backend is a docker compose orc with 2 containers/services:
- a basic mysql container on private network
- an express api in a node based container
On start, the express service will attempt to seed the db. The db is mounted, so re-seeding is not necessary if it crashes, since the mount will persist the db state.
build container: cd backend && docker build
start orchestration: (from projcet root)docker compose up
tests: cd backend && npm run test
- more tests
- run linting and tests on container start or pre-build
- logging
- implement a cronjob to run free share cleanup script (resets User.free_share_status where the order failed)
- API docs (swagger/openapi)
- endpoint validation (via eg AJV package)
- thorough test on share price algo - probably need some stats testing as unit testing is probably insufficient here???
- Once started, docker will forward from
- the endpoint can be hit at POST
- requires a query param of email
- db needs seeding with a user in the user table