Release version v0.7.0
38f95e3 Added affinity support to tenant add screen (#706)
35da684 Added direct-csi API support to console (#710)
62745e9 Added log search & prometheus extra params configuration (#700)
c81da22 Added storage class selector to add pool modal (#699)
9e35db0 Added validation for single tenant in namespace (#701)
ca742b7 Adding key creation in tenant wizard. (#697)
3b55d63 Attaching subnet license to existing tenants fails (#702)
d60cac0 Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /portal-ui (#698)
08e40fe Fixed issue with namespace not returning error (#709)
0b0cb78 Fixed small issues & removed warnings in console (#711)
2981e63 Fixes an issue with empty logsearch & prometheus configurations (#703)
5838606 Improvements to Built-In users (#708)
8a635fc Make Log Search and Prometheus images configurable (#717)
8cfa41e Make Tabs Scrollable (#714)
0c90785 Remove printing of tenant yaml (#705)
62d7623 Tiers & lifecycle implementation (#638)
097e6e9 changing delete button (#704)
29e1af3 update to v0.7.0
Docker images
docker pull minio/console:v0.7.0
docker pull minio/console:latest