Release version v0.7.5
a9e82eb #616 added modal on icon click (#747)
b1aedf8 AGPL License Modal in License page (#786)
c7e195b Add Filtering to Users on Policy Details (#833)
f183604 Add Tenant Health Details (#780)
9a8106d Add missing resource to cluster role (#796)
c2dc739 Added URL navigation to tenant details (#795)
e328190 Added create Namespace functionality to Add Tenant screen (#809)
31d18ef Added create namespace API (#808)
5207568 Added rewind functionality to console (#828)
531d8a2 Adding groups tab to Policy Details page (#837)
0c8025b Bring Tenant Metrics to Tenant Details (#813)
9498f8d Bump dns-packet from 1.3.1 to 1.3.4 in /portal-ui (#774)
9910438 Bump ws from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 in /portal-ui (#793)
616be03 CA Certificates in Operator-UI (#829)
7117d87 Changed field names & removed bottom texts (#816)
480e6d7 Connected filters for bucket details sections (#801)
83ca73e Cross Compile in Parallel two archs at a time (#825)
c95bc64 Enable Bucket Quota on Bucket Details (#776)
9f4d3f4 Fix Bucket Replication listing (#832)
34b05bd Fix Singel Value widget not rendering on tab switch (#819)
b65f04a Fixed assets in console master (#790)
03c24c6 Fixed issue with comparison & prettier (#815)
58efbbb Fixed some warnings (#834)
61cf109 Global Refresh for Tenant Details (#822)
8bea9ab Implemented an autocomplete component (#803)
11eb587 Improved trace functionality & added filters support (#817)
8ca6401 Introduce dropdowns for node selector screen on affinity (#779)
76bdd9d Introduce tabs for Dashboard (#785)
7db4e18 List Service Accounts for a User (#775)
fa85ad9 Make ElementKey optional (#831)
11d0080 Move change user password modal (#806)
bb0f613 Move log code out of auto-generated files (#791)
6166223 Moved Change User Password and added password length check (#820)
b14d67e Parallelize PR check stages (#824)
ecab89f Pod Details (#789)
09503ed Pod Events (#807)
2d6b5ec Re-organize Pod Details (#821)
69055c4 ReadOnly filesystem error when loading certificates (#794)
6f0df68 Removed not available comparison (#797)
8579774 Security Tab for operator-ui (#804)
c73764b Style Tenant Security Tab (#841)
b51d550 Update readme screenshots (#842)
d5a3fee Updated dependencies for console. (#800)
4d62fe1 add releases to from next release (#811)
5782b9d adding test case for bucket users (#773)
c1e41e6 allow console to listen on ipv6 (#781)
f208ce5 fix: GetAllCertificatesAndCAs shouldn't fail internally (#810)
55531d6 fix: allow TLS access on multiple SNI certs (#812)
9ec7326 fix: client secret is optional in implicit flow (#840)
fd86e65 fix: console should trust itself with its own public.crt (#827)
13f9f6c fix: do not use var to define global sets (#818)
14604e0 fix: lazily interpret environment values (#826)
b10c4f5 fix: log search URL, token environment variables
173c3d4 idp: Always use custom http client when generating tokens (#838)
eff001b move to madmin-go/, pkg/ packages (#765)
1b7fb2a move to master direct-csi (#778)
4fc95ae remove the shotfile source line
83d6620 remove various unexpected features in console (#782)
07fbb8b rewrite logging in console (#788)
d372a2c update TLS section in README (#777)
c6eae4b update minio/pkg v1.0.8
91f165c update operator to latest master (#792)
ced3e64 update to release v0.7.5
6791631 upgrade swagger version to v0.27.0 (#798)
Docker images
docker pull minio/console:v0.7.5
docker pull
docker pull minio/console:latest