This release introduces the rds_family
RDS families define what configuration the Database is going to use. RDS families and postgresql version must be compatible.
For any Postgresql version, there is a matching RDS family :
- postgres9.4
- postgres9.5
- postgres9.6
- postgres10
- postgres11
This is how the module is now invoked:
module "example_team_rds" {
source = "github.com/ministryofjustice/cloud-platform-terraform-rds-instance"
// The first two inputs are provided by the pipeline for cloud-platform. See the example for more detail.
cluster_name = "cloud-platform-live-0"
cluster_state_bucket = "live-0-state-bucket"
db_allocated_storage = "20"
db_instance_class = "db.t2.small"
db_iops = "1000"
team_name = "example-repo"
business-unit = "example-bu"
application = "exampleapp"
is-production = "false"
environment-name = "development"
infrastructure-support = "[email protected]"
rds_family = "postgres10"
providers = {
# This can be either "aws.london" or "aws.ireland:
aws = "aws.london"
Be sure to check this example : rds.tf