Releases: minvws/nl-covid19-coronacheck-website
Releases · minvws/nl-covid19-coronacheck-website
Content updates
- Removed references to "23rd of april" because you can now make a print version of your test result
- Checked URLs
- Fixed numbering issue in Privacy statements
- Corrected order of icons on the front page
Content updates
- Temporarily closes english version, because it is too out of sync in content
- Fixes and merges issue with FAQ categories
- Lots of small content updates, but also an update of the privacy statement and CoronaCheck Scanner Terms of Service
- Gave the Scanner landingpage a similar header to the one on the homepage, which required some refactoring
- Changed the icons of the three "how your data is used" info 'bullets' on the homepage
New homepage
A new front-page with updated content!
This branch includes a lot of refactoring on the SCSS side besides, hopefully making it easier for contributors. We also re-ordered the Most Asked Questions, added and renamed a few, and updated the content.
Remove unfinished content from FAQ
Merge pull request #23 from minvws/content/additional-download Added missing paragraphs to public website FAQ
Added FAQ, updated info about test appointments
v1.3.7 Merge pull request #22 from minvws/content/added-faq-continuous-evalu…
Updated content, added universal links file
- Added English privacy statement
- Enabled universal links
Refactor Scanner FAQ url's
Changes the URL's of Scanner frequently asked questions pages to the proper format, instead of
Updated privacy statements
v1.3.4 Merge pull request #18 from minvws/content/updated-privacy-statement
Added English translation of the privacy statement
Also fixed some grammar mistakes and typo's.
Updated content
- Updated FAQ for CoronaCheck and CoronaCheck Scanner
- Fixes issue in privacy statement
- Fixes issue with some of the questions not showing in the overview
- Makes phone-numbers of the helpdesk clickable
- Show app download badges on the homepage for CoronaCheck
This release should also resolve issue "Link to homepage doesn't work in header and 404 page". Thank you to Github user Rhydium for opening the issue!