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MIRACUM Mapper Frontend

This is the frontend repository for the MIRACUM Mapper project. It provides a web interface which interacts with the backend. It is a Vue 3 project with Vite as the build tool. The corresponding backend repository can be found here

Disclaimer - Not ready for use yet

This project is currently in the development phase and not reliably functioning. It is under very active development which means that the codebase is changing rapidly and may not be stable. As soon as this changes and the project is ready for use, this disclaimer will be removed.


The frontend is a Vue 3 project with Vite as the build tool. It uses the Vue Router for routing and Pinia for state management. PrimeVue (v4) is used as the component library. TailwindCSS classes are used for styling. The project was started with JavaScript and got migrated to TypeScript during the development. Therefore not all parts of the codebase are fully typed yet. In order to automatically generate client code for the api, openapi-typescript is used. In order to communicate with KeyCloak and handle the authentication flow, keycloak-js is used.


  • Projects can be created to group mappings together which map codes from a specific set of codeSystems to another set of codeSystems. The access to projects for users can be managed with projectPermissions
  • CodeSystems and their corresponding Codes can be imported in different formats (e.g CSV)
  • The User Management is handled by KeyCloak and the backend is able to authenticate users against it
  • Efficient Querying of the codes from the codeSystems is possible with the use of filters

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Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Vue - Official (and disable Vetur).

Type Support for .vue Imports in TS

TypeScript cannot handle type information for .vue imports by default, so we replace the tsc CLI with vue-tsc for type checking. In editors, we need Vue - Official to make the TypeScript language service aware of .vue types.

Project Setup

First make sure to have npm installed on your machine. Then run the following command to install the dependencies:

npm install

After installing the dependencies, you can run the following commands to run and develop the project:

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

The frontend is then available under http://localhost:5173.

Type-Check, Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build

The Dockerfile runs this command to build the project and serve it with Nginx.

Lint with ESLint

npm run lint

Container Setup

This setup is intended to be used in a production environment and not for development. It includes creating certificates and shared docker networks which is not necessary to get the project running quickly for development.

To run the frontend in a Docker Container for Deployment, Nginx is used which serves the compiled frontend and also provides certificates for https. First of all, you have to create certificates. For local development, Self Signed Certificates can be created with the following command:

mkdir certs
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout certs/key.pem -out certs/cert.pem -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -subj "/C=XX/ST=StateName/L=CityName/O=CompanyName/OU=CompanySectionName/CN=CommonNameOrHostname"

Afterwards, a network between the frontend and the backend has to be created by running

docker network create public_network

The network is used for the services to communicate with each other. In the backend repository, the driver: bridge has to be replaced with external: true in the public_network section of the docker-compose.yaml. The KC_HOSTNAME variable has to be adjusted to https://localhost/keycloak. Afterwards, docker compose down and then docker compose up has to be run in the backend to restart the services. Also in the .env file in this frontend repository the section with the docker environment variables has to be commented in and the development variables have to be commented out. Then start the frontend with the following command:

docker compose up --build

The frontend is then available under https://localhost. Communication with the backend and keycloak is done through the nginx server.

Dev Container

A Dev Container is provided to run the project in a containerized environment and make development easy as it has all prerequisites installed. To use it, you need to have Docker installed on your machine. The Dev Container Extension for VSCode is also recommended. Please refer to the Dev Container Documentation for more information.

Generate Client Code

To regenerate autogenerated code based on openapi.yaml run the following command: (We use this generator

npm run generate


The Frontend can be configured using a .env file. The following environment variables can be used:


The VITE_KEYCLOAK_URL is the url of the KeyCloak server. The VITE_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID is the client id of the KeyCloak client. The VITE_KEYCLOAK_REALM is the realm of the KeyCloak server. The VITE_APP_URL is the url of the frontend. The VITE_API_URL is the url of the backend.

Build for Production

In order to build the frontend for production, first the certificates for nginx need to be generated. Afterwards, a shared network between the frontend and the backend docker containers needs to be created, in order for nginx to be able to communicate with the backend. Currently the docker-compose.yaml file together with the nginx config is setup to make the api available under an /api path. So the api which is not https protected gets proxied through the nginx server which is https protected. If the server domain is the api would be available under and the frontend under More information about the deployment can be seen in the backend-repository. An overview of the current deployment can be seen in the graphic below:

Deployment Test System Deployment Test System


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