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repr: use attributes for local function overrides
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Currently, the functions `Repr.{like,map}` behave somewhat oddly when
passed custom behaviour for one or more of the generic options: it
evaluates all derivers on the typerep and packs the resulting functions
into a `Custom` typerep containing those implementations.

This hides the structure of the type, but otherwise behaves sensibly as
long as the derivers behave "linearly", e.g.:

derive (pair t1 t2) = derive (pair (partial ~derive:(derive t1) ()) (partial ~derive:(derive t2) ()))

but this is not always the case. An example is `pre_hash` which attempts
to unbox the pre-hash representation of "simple" types and so behaves
differently when complex types have simple components "pre-evaluated" as
is currently the case.

This commit changes the implementation of `Repr.{like,map}` to instead
add custom implementations as _type attributes_ on the original type.
These attributes don't hide the internal structure of the type in a
`Custom` typerep, making function overrides transparent to derivers that
don't care about those overrides.
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craigfe committed Oct 11, 2021
1 parent 17623de commit 24e93db
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Showing 12 changed files with 232 additions and 143 deletions.
167 changes: 72 additions & 95 deletions src/repr/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ let abstract ~pp ~of_string ~json ~bin ?unboxed_bin ~equal ~compare ~short_hash
cwit = `Witness (Witness.make ());
cwit = Witness.make ();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,122 +237,78 @@ let either a b =
|~ case1 "right" b (fun b -> Either.Right b)
|> sealv

let pre_hash, encode_bin, decode_bin, to_bin_string, of_bin_string =
Type_binary.(pre_hash, encode_bin, decode_bin, to_bin_string, of_bin_string)

let short_hash = function
| Custom c -> stage c.short_hash
| t ->
let pre_hash = unstage (pre_hash t) in
stage @@ fun ?seed x ->
let seed = match seed with None -> 0 | Some t -> t in
let h = ref seed in
pre_hash x (fun s -> h := Hashtbl.seeded_hash !h s);
let pre_hash, short_hash, encode_bin, decode_bin, to_bin_string, of_bin_string =
(Pre_hash.t, Short_hash.t, Encode.t, Decode.t, to_bin_string, of_bin_string)

exception Unsupported_operation of string

let undefined name _ = raise (Unsupported_operation name)

type 'a impl = Structural | Custom of 'a | Undefined

let fold_impl ~undefined ~structural = function
| Custom x -> x
| Undefined -> undefined ()
| Structural -> structural ()
let fold_impl ~undefined = function
| Custom x -> Some x
| Undefined -> Some (undefined ())
| Structural -> None

let partially_abstract ~pp ~of_string ~json ~bin ~unboxed_bin ~equal ~compare
~short_hash:short_hash_t ~pre_hash:pre_hash_t t : _ t =
let encode_json, decode_json =
fold_impl json
~undefined:(fun () -> (undefined "encode_json", undefined "decode_json"))
~structural:(fun () ->
let rec is_prim : type a. a t -> bool = function
| Self s -> is_prim s.self_fix
| Map m -> is_prim m.x
| Prim _ -> true
| _ -> false
match (t, pp, of_string) with
| ty, Custom pp, Custom of_string when is_prim ty ->
let ( >|= ) x f = f x in
let join = function Error _ as e -> e | Ok x -> x in
let ty = string in
let encode ppf u =
Type_json.encode ty ppf (Fmt.to_to_string pp u)
let decode buf = Type_json.decode ty buf >|= of_string |> join in
(encode, decode)
| _ -> (Type_json.encode t, Type_json.decode t))
let lift_option2 =
Option.fold ~none:(None, None) ~some:(fun (a, b) -> (Some a, Some b))
let lift_option3 =
Option.fold ~none:(None, None, None) ~some:(fun (a, b, c) ->
(Some a, Some b, Some c))
let pp =
fold_impl pp
~structural:(fun () -> Type_pp.t t)
~undefined:(fun () -> undefined "pp")
let encode_json, decode_json =
fold_impl json ~undefined:(fun () ->
(undefined "encode_json", undefined "decode_json"))
|> lift_option2
let pp = fold_impl pp ~undefined:(fun () -> undefined "pp") in
let of_string =
fold_impl of_string
~structural:(fun () -> Type_pp.of_string t)
~undefined:(fun () -> undefined "of_string")
fold_impl of_string ~undefined:(fun () -> undefined "of_string")
let encode_bin, decode_bin, size_of =
fold_impl bin
~undefined:(fun () ->
fold_impl bin ~undefined:(fun () ->
(undefined "encode_bin", undefined "decode_bin", unimplemented_size_of))
~structural:(fun () ->
( unstage (Type_binary.encode_bin t),
unstage (Type_binary.decode_bin t),
Type_size.t t ))
|> lift_option3
let unboxed_encode_bin, unboxed_decode_bin, unboxed_size_of =
fold_impl unboxed_bin
~undefined:(fun () ->
fold_impl unboxed_bin ~undefined:(fun () ->
( undefined "Unboxed.encode_bin",
undefined "Unboxed.decode_bin",
unimplemented_size_of ))
~structural:(fun () ->
( unstage (Type_binary.Unboxed.encode_bin t),
unstage (Type_binary.Unboxed.decode_bin t),
Type_size.unboxed t ))
let equal =
fold_impl equal
~undefined:(fun () -> undefined "equal")
~structural:(fun () -> unstage (Type_ordered.equal t))
let compare =
fold_impl compare
~undefined:(fun () -> undefined "compare")
~structural:(fun () -> unstage ( t))
|> lift_option3
let equal = fold_impl equal ~undefined:(fun () -> undefined "equal") in
let compare = fold_impl compare ~undefined:(fun () -> undefined "compare") in
let short_hash =
fold_impl short_hash_t
~undefined:(fun () ?seed:_ -> undefined "short_hash" ())
~structural:(fun () -> unstage (short_hash t))
fold_impl short_hash_t ~undefined:(fun () ?seed:_ ->
undefined "short_hash" ())
let pre_hash =
fold_impl pre_hash_t
~undefined:(fun () -> undefined "pre_hash")
~structural:(fun () -> encode_bin)
fold_impl pre_hash_t ~undefined:(fun () -> undefined "pre_hash")
cwit = `Type t;
|> annotate ~add:Encode_json.add ~data:encode_json
|> annotate ~add:Decode_json.add ~data:decode_json
let maybe_annotate add data =
match data with None -> | Some data -> annotate ~add ~data
|> maybe_annotate Type_ordered.Equal.Attr.add equal
|> maybe_annotate Type_ordered.Compare.Attr.add compare
|> maybe_annotate Type_pp.Attr_pp.add pp
|> maybe_annotate Type_pp.Attr_of_string.add of_string
|> maybe_annotate Encode_json.add encode_json
|> maybe_annotate Decode_json.add decode_json
|> maybe_annotate Type_binary.Encode.Attr.add encode_bin
|> maybe_annotate Type_binary.Encode.Attr_unboxed.add unboxed_encode_bin
|> maybe_annotate Type_binary.Decode.Attr.add decode_bin
|> maybe_annotate Type_binary.Decode.Attr_unboxed.add unboxed_decode_bin
|> maybe_annotate Type_binary.Pre_hash.Attr.add pre_hash
|> maybe_annotate Type_binary.Short_hash.Attr.add short_hash
|> maybe_annotate Type_size.Attr.add size_of
|> maybe_annotate Type_size.Attr_unboxed.add unboxed_size_of

let like ?pp ?of_string ?json ?bin ?unboxed_bin ?equal ?compare ?short_hash
?pre_hash t =
Expand All @@ -366,7 +322,28 @@ let like ?pp ?of_string ?json ?bin ?unboxed_bin ?equal ?compare ?short_hash
| None -> Structural)
let pp = to_impl pp
and json = to_impl json
and json =
match json with
| Some x -> Custom x
| None -> (
let rec is_prim : type a. a t -> bool = function
| Self s -> is_prim s.self_fix
| Attributes { attr_type; _ } -> is_prim attr_type
| Map m -> is_prim m.x
| Prim _ -> true
| _ -> false
match (pp, of_string) with
| Some pp, Some of_string when is_prim t ->
let ( >|= ) x f = f x in
let join = function Error _ as e -> e | Ok x -> x in
let ty = string in
let encode ppf u =
Type_json.encode ty ppf (Fmt.to_to_string pp u)
let decode buf = Type_json.decode ty buf >|= of_string |> join in
Custom (encode, decode)
| _ -> Structural)
and of_string = to_impl of_string
and bin = to_impl bin
and unboxed_bin = to_impl unboxed_bin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,7 +371,7 @@ module type S = sig
val t : t ty

let equal, compare = Type_ordered.(equal, compare)
let equal, compare = Type_ordered.(Equal.t, Compare.t)

let pp, pp_dump, pp_ty, to_string, of_string =
Type_pp.(t, dump, ty, to_string, of_string)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,8 +439,8 @@ module Size = struct

module Unboxed = struct
include Type_binary.Unboxed

let encode_bin = Type_binary.Encode.unboxed
let decode_bin = Type_binary.Decode.unboxed
let size_of = Type_size.unboxed

Expand Down
77 changes: 64 additions & 13 deletions src/repr/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,18 @@ module Bin = Binary_codec
module Encode = struct
type 'a encoder = 'a encode_bin staged

module Attr = Attribute.Make1 (struct
type 'a t = 'a encode_bin

let name = "encode_bin"

module Attr_unboxed = Attribute.Make1 (struct
type 'a t = 'a encode_bin

let name = "encode_bin_unboxed"

let string boxed n =
if boxed then Bin.String.encode n else Bin.String_unboxed.encode n

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +66,8 @@ module Encode = struct
| Map b -> map ~boxed:true b
| Prim t -> prim ~boxed:true t
| Boxed b -> t b
| Attributes { attr_type = x; _ } -> t x
| Attributes { attrs; attr_type } -> (
match Attr.find attrs with Some f -> stage f | None -> t attr_type)
| List l -> list (t l.v) l.len
| Array a -> array (t a.v) a.len
| Tuple t -> tuple t
Expand All @@ -69,7 +82,10 @@ module Encode = struct
| Map b -> map ~boxed:false b
| Prim t -> prim ~boxed:false t
| Boxed b -> t b
| Attributes { attr_type = x; _ } -> unboxed x
| Attributes { attrs; attr_type } -> (
match Attr_unboxed.find attrs with
| Some f -> stage f
| None -> unboxed attr_type)
| List l -> list (t l.v) l.len
| Array a -> array (t a.v) a.len
| Tuple t -> tuple t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,6 +148,19 @@ end

module Decode = struct
type 'a decoder = 'a decode_bin staged

module Attr = Attribute.Make1 (struct
type 'a t = 'a decode_bin

let name = "decode_bin"

module Attr_unboxed = Attribute.Make1 (struct
type 'a t = 'a decode_bin

let name = "decode_bin_unboxed"

type 'a res = int * 'a

let string box = if box then Bin.String.decode else Bin.String_unboxed.decode
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,7 +196,8 @@ module Decode = struct
| Map b -> map ~boxed:true b
| Prim t -> prim ~boxed:true t
| Boxed b -> t b
| Attributes { attr_type = x; _ } -> t x
| Attributes { attrs; attr_type } -> (
match Attr.find attrs with Some f -> stage f | None -> t attr_type)
| List l -> list (t l.v) l.len
| Array a -> array (t a.v) a.len
| Tuple t -> tuple t
Expand All @@ -182,7 +212,10 @@ module Decode = struct
| Map b -> map ~boxed:false b
| Prim t -> prim ~boxed:false t
| Boxed b -> t b
| Attributes { attr_type = x; _ } -> unboxed x
| Attributes { attrs; attr_type } -> (
match Attr_unboxed.find attrs with
| Some f -> stage f
| None -> unboxed attr_type)
| List l -> list (t l.v) l.len
| Array a -> array (t a.v) a.len
| Tuple t -> tuple t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,12 +290,19 @@ end
module Pre_hash = struct
type 'a pre_hash = 'a encode_bin staged

module Attr = Attribute.Make1 (struct
type 'a t = 'a encode_bin

let name = "pre_hash"

let rec t : type a. a t -> a pre_hash = function
| Self s -> self s
| Custom c -> stage c.pre_hash
| Map m -> map m
| Boxed b -> t b
| Attributes { attr_type; _ } -> t attr_type
| Attributes { attrs; attr_type } -> (
match Attr.find attrs with Some f -> stage f | None -> t attr_type)
| List l -> Encode.list (t l.v) l.len
| Array a -> Encode.array (t a.v) a.len
| Tuple t -> tuple t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,18 +364,29 @@ module Pre_hash = struct

let encode_bin = Encode.t
let decode_bin = Decode.t
let pre_hash = Pre_hash.t
module Short_hash = struct
module Attr = Attribute.Make1 (struct
type 'a t = 'a short_hash

type 'a to_bin_string = 'a to_string staged
type 'a of_bin_string = 'a of_string staged
let name = "short_hash"

module Unboxed = struct
let encode_bin = Encode.unboxed
let decode_bin = Decode.unboxed
let rec t = function
| Custom c -> stage c.short_hash
| Attributes { attrs; attr_type } -> (
match Attr.find attrs with Some f -> stage f | None -> t attr_type)
| t ->
let pre_hash = unstage (Pre_hash.t t) in
stage @@ fun ?seed x ->
let seed = match seed with None -> 0 | Some t -> t in
let h = ref seed in
pre_hash x (fun s -> h := Hashtbl.seeded_hash !h s);

type 'a to_bin_string = 'a to_string staged
type 'a of_bin_string = 'a of_string staged

let to_bin (size_of : _ Size.Sizer.t) encode_bin =
let encode_bin = unstage encode_bin in
stage (fun x ->
Expand Down

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