This organization serves as a central hub for all my repositories, making it easier to manage self-hosted GitHub runners across all my projects. You'll find repositories categorized into three main groups: Internal Repositories, Public Repositories, and Homelab Repositories.
Below, you'll find details about each category and links to the repositories within them.
These are tools and applications I've developed for public use. I hope they can help others as much as they help me!
Repository | Description |
kubectl-switch | A tool for easily switching between Kubernetes contexts and namespaces. |
external-dns-provider-mikrotik | An ExternalDNS provider plugin for MikroTik devices. |
talswitcher | A utility for managing talosconfig files in a multi-cluster setup. |
containers | A collection of containerized applications and services. |
helm-charts | Helm charts for deploying various applications. |
gitops-toolkit | A container packed with all of the tools I use to manage my GitOps-ified infrastructure. |
These repositories help manage and configure my homelab setup, ensuring smooth operation and easy deployment.
Repository | Description |
mikrotik-terraform | Terraform configurations for managing my Mikrotik-powered home network.. |
home-ops | GitOps repo for my home Kubernetes cluster. |
website | The repository for my personal website. |
These are repositories I use internally to streamline my work. They include reusable workflows, configurations, and other tools that support my development process.
Repository | Description |
reusable-workflows | A collection of reusable GitHub Actions workflows for consistent CI/CD pipelines across my projects. |
renovate-config | Snippets of renovate configuration used to automate dependency management. |
homebrew-taps | A monorepo for managing Homebrew taps for easy installation of my tools. |
Feel free to explore these repositories, fork them, or contribute to any of the public projects. If you find something interesting or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
You can also find me online here:
- My blog
- My YouTube Channel
Thank you for stopping by! 🚀