Adding elements
a. createElement()
b. appendChild()
Removing Elements
a. removing elements one by one
b. removing elements repeatedly
Modifying Elements
a. getAttribute()
=> gets the value of the attribute => returns the value of the attribute if the attribute exits otherwise returns null
b. setAttribute()
=> sets the value of the attribute => returns undefined
c. hasAttribute()
=> checks if the attribute is present => returns true or false
d. removeAttribute()
=> removes the mentioned attribute => returns undefined
Event listeners
a. what are events
=> actions that happen on a webpage (click, scroll, mouse-enter, mouse-exit, double click, etc)
b. what are event handlers/event listeners
=> listen to an event and perform some action/operation. Event listeners are also called event handlers.
c. event flow
=> explains the order in which events are recieved on the page
=> event bubbling : starts from the most specific element and then flows upwards towards the least specific element [by default] => event capturing : starts from the least specific element and goes to the most specific element
d. adding event listeners
=> html => using attributes => addEventListener(event,function, capture) : [preferred]
e. remove event listeners
Modifying CSS of the elements
a. setting style =>
b. appending style =>
element.style.cssText = element.style.cssText +<value>
c. viewing class names =>
d. adding class names =>
e. removing classnames =>