Simulation of the collective motion of a flock of birds for the course idea to result at university of copenhagen in winter semester 2017/2018
usage: [-h] [--angle ANGLE] [-v V] [--width WIDTH] [--height HEIGHT]
[-L L] [--n N] [--eta ETA] [--radius RADIUS] [--export]
[--frames FRAMES] [--vfile VFILE] [--fps FPS] [--scale SCALE]
[--rho RHO] [--out OUT] [--batch]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--angle ANGLE, -a ANGLE
Boid field of Vision [deg], default=0
-v V Velocity, default=0.03
--width WIDTH Range for x-coordinate, default=5
--height HEIGHT Range for y-coordinate, default=5
-L L Set side length at once: equals --width L --height L
--n N, -n N Number of boids, default=100
--eta ETA Generates Angles -eta/2 < delta Theta < eta/2,
--radius RADIUS, -r RADIUS
Viewing Radius, default=1
--export, -e Export video file and exit
--frames FRAMES Number of frames for export to video or parameter
record file, default=1000
--vfile VFILE Out-File for video export, default=birds.mp4
--fps FPS Set Video Framerate for playback/export, default=40
--scale SCALE, -s SCALE
Scale field size, radius, v, default=100
--rho RHO Set constant density and calculate L from n and rho
--out OUT, -o OUT Specify output File for recording Parameters,
Filetype: .npz
--batch, -b Batch mode: no live display, no video export