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mission edited this page Oct 17, 2010 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the Urt-Admin-Web-Interface wiki!

The Urt-Admin-Web-Interface is aimed at giving the everyone the ability to have there own web interface for administrating UrbanTerror servers.

Requires a mysql database to install

Features a module based design, most modules are able to be used over and over. It comes with ts3 server viewer and a Urt Server viewer modules. The ts3 serverviewer pulls data from the database and displays it. The data is grabbed by the updatets3.php script located in the scripts folder. The updatets3.php script checks the database for ts3 modules and then gets a status for all of them, and puts them into the database, the ts3.php module then pulls that data from the database on page load, allowing for minimal page load time.

The Urt Server viewer module works in a very similar way to reduce page load time.

The getPlayer.php script cycles through all the servers in the database that have status set to Online and does a status, then does a dump user(unless you are using one of our server builds, then it will not need to do the extra dumpusers allowing faster page load) on all of the players to get the guids of each player then inputs them into the database. You then can search the database by name, ip, guid using the player search form.

INSTALL: this requires a mysql database

  1. extract zip into a directory on your webserver
  2. create a database
  3. import sql file that is in the sql folder into your newly created database(no need to run any update.sql files)
  4. add a cron job for the getPlayers.php script in the scripts folder, this will get players from your servers and record them to database for the player search
  5. open ur browser to /admin/add.php to add the first admin user(you need to rename/delete add.php before you can access /admin/), the rest can be added from /admin/ using the login u created. You can also edit/delete users from there. Done, you can now login! now you can use the /admin/ to add/edit/delete users/servers/modules/menu items/styles and to edit settings Note: when using the user manager, the admin field tells the backend area if the user should be able to access it.

===Update v1.0 to v1.1===

  1. put the content of this zip file in to your existing site install(backup your config so you can refer to it later for your settings since there is a new config_inc.php that needs to be used).
  2. open the new config_inc.php and edit the database settings to match your db settings in your old config_inc.php, save.
  3. import the updatev1.0-to-v1.1.sql into your current database.
  4. rename/delete the add.php file located in the admin folder
  5. open browser to /admin/ and click the new Settings Manager, change the settings to match your previous ones (which is where backing up your old config_inc.php makes this easy) Done!

===Using B3 database search module=== This currently only works for one database(however with editing you can make copies of this to use for more than one)

  1. open config_inc.php, edit the new b3 db settings to match your b3 bots database
  2. add a menu item from the menu manager, for href type javascript:PopUp("modules/b3search.php") Done :) click the new menu item on the main site and it should popup a new window with a search form, when u do a search, if there are no results, it will try to cross reference the aliases and clients tables, to find possible matches.

Adding Users: First user will need to be added using <site>/admin/add.php, after that you need to rename/delete add.php, then you can just use <site>/admin/ and your new login u created earlier to add/edit/delete users after that. Admin setting tells the site if the user is allowed to use the backend interface. just goto <site>/admin/ you can add users using the user manager.

Editing Users: just use the User Manager located in the backend area: <site>/admin/

Deleting Users: same as above, but press delete instead of edit :)

Adding Servers: Use the Server Manager located in the backend area: <site>/admin/

Adding/Editing/Deleting Modules: to add a module, just add the module to the modules folder. Use the Module Manager located in the backend area: <site>/admin/

requiredarg1-3 are used for if the modules inner function needs arguments passed to it.

Making a module: create a file in the file create a function with the same name as the file but without the file extension. put whatever you want into the function do the steps for adding modules

Making New Styles(also known as themes): make a copy of the Default folder located in the templates folder. Name this folder whatever you want remember it for when u add it using the style manager. Now edit/add images, edit the style.css file.

now open your browser to <site>/admin/ and use the style manager to add the new style :).

if you havent already, you need to upload the files to the templates folder. Done! To see your new style, refresh the page and select the new style from the themes selector.

Modify Settings database connection settings are in the config_inc.php file located /classes/config_inc.php

the rest can be changed in the backend admin area using the settings manager

TODO: Change Backends Layout

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