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Ideas, Suggestions and Features

Korlimann edited this page May 7, 2019 · 8 revisions

Basically, the idea is to take all good parts from ELR as well as ATF (and maybe other websites), throw them together, take out all the bad parts from ELR and ATF and add some more features and stuff to this.

New Features and probably must-haves:

  • (Currently 21 Votes on Reddit) The option to “tag” things. For example, with the tag “strawberry”, users can not only search for recipe names which include the word “strawberry” but rather for all recipes including the tag “strawberry”. Although, coding-wise, I can imagine it would be easier to simply search the recipe, if it includes a strawberry. This way, users won’t have to add a tag for each flavor they used. Tags could still be implemented for other stuff like “shake&vape”, “easy&quick mix” or “dtl”, and so on.
  • (Currently 13 Votes on Reddit) Another feature that was widely mentioned, and some even said, they wouldn’t switch if this was not included is a feature to import existing recipes. Be it from Reddit, from ELR or ATF, people want easy and quick ways to import their recipes, as well as their current stash. While some maybe only have one, or two recipes, I’ve seen a lot people with 1300 Recipes and more. It would take forever importing them, so a function that can do exactly this is a must have. We could also expand this feature, and make it so people can have a standardized formatting, so they can simply press a button on a recipe page and copy the recipe to their clipboard. Also, maybe we could make it possible (probably would need to collaborate with a few vendors for this one) that users can export their Shopping List or whatever they have on our website and import it to their vendor, simply adding everything to their cart. (But that’s something for later I suppose) (javascript:function copyToClipboard(element){element=$('<textarea>').appendTo('body').val(element).select();document.execCommand('copy');element.remove();}var output="% | Vendor | Flavor\n---|---|----\n";var i=1;$('*[id^="flavors-"] tr td').each(function(){var info=$(this).text().trim();var separator=" | ";if(i%3===0){separator="\n"}if(info==""||info.startsWith("Total")||info.startsWith("This")){}else{output+=info+separator;i++;}});copyToClipboard(output); This function provided by a friendly reddit user converts any ATF Recipe into a Reddit format)
  • (Currently 6 Votes on Reddit) As mentioned by u/PM_ME_YOUR_BUTTCHECK, Database Relationships are also important, as well as collaborations with other Mixers, User Pages, Curated Flavor Lists and the importing from other sites, as stated above. For User Pages, Wayne already gave a lot of useful input that could be used, for collaborations I currently don’t have any specific idea
  • (Currently 5 Votes on Reddit) Something I thought about a little was the stash. As some users mentioned, they would like the website to tell them if they don’t have enough of any of their supplies, which kept me thinking. We could add a column to the stash which is simply for “How many ml do I have left?” Like the cost-calculation on ELR, people would probably have to do this manually, since there’s just no way for us to detect how many ml of a flavor a user has. But if you do spend some time and keep it updated, it could really be helpful. For example, a user can set his threshold on “I’d like to be informed that I have to reorder this soon”, let’s say its 5ml, so if he scrolls through is stash now, every Flavor that has less than 5ml has a red name. You could give all flavors a button with “add to my next order”, and a button on top that adds all flavors below the threshold to your next order. If you mix a recipe for example, you put in how much juice you want to have at the end, and so on, and the websites automatically subtracts everything you used for that recipe. Not only would this help mixers keep track of their inventory, better than simply saying “I have this flavor” or “I don’t have this flavor”, every time that button gets pressed though is valuable information, because we can use this information to build upon the recipe page that Wayne was talking about so profusely, which leads to the next point
  • Which would be the sorting, searching and the general recipe page. Wayne talked a lot about it, so we already have sort of an idea how it looks like. Maybe, we could add achievements or stuff for people that either mix other recipes, create their own recipes and rate recipes. Maybe even if you try out new recipes that just came out as one of the first, or I don’t know, just some sort of achievements that probably won’t really do anything, except that you could display them on your user page, but I think many people could get behind this. We could then use this information to keep the recipe front page interesting, so it’s not always the same.
  • (Currently 12 Votes on Reddit) It shouldn’t look outdated or cluttered as ID10-T wrote, and it shouldn’t let people add nonsense flavors and fake reviews like it’s possible on ELR.
  • (Currently 3 Votes on Reddit) Another person really wanted to see some historical data which should be an amazing tool to have. Inventory prices, juice prices, which flavor do I use often, etc.
  • Maybe add short fills/premade juice to the DB as well?
  • Auto suggestions for recipes based on the stuff a user likes and mixes often, as well as based on their stash (“We see you’ve been mixing a lot of recipes including strawberry! Maybe you want to try THIS recipe”). You could also go a little extra step and only suggest recipes that the user can mix right away, based on their current stash
  • As a user suggested, an “aggressive” Pop-Up after a user entered their recipes for a mix, to make people think a little more about steeping time
  • Support for creating One-Shots of recipes and easily mixing them up, without having to use some "work-arounds" like on ELR
  • "add a feature for "recipe packs" . . . so when you see a recipe you like - you can buy all the flavors for it with one click" - suggestion by OdieDoodah, as seen on the DIY Discord Server in #new-mixers
  • "need a feature where when you're looking at a recipe - you can see other recipes that usethe same flavors plus X more a way to get flavors that are useful for more than one recipe" - suggestion by OdieDoodah, as seen on the DIY Discord Server in #new-mixers
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