This repository contains a collection of Python scripts and resources for studying algorithms. It includes various sorting algorithms, problem-solving techniques, and coding exercises to enhance your Python programming skills.
0 알고리즘 공부 백준 풀이: This directory contains solutions to algorithm problems from the Baekjoon Online Judge.
단계별-백준-파이썬: Step-by-step solutions to Baekjoon problems using Python.
문제집 Python 배우기 1 50: Problem sets 1 to 50 for learning Python.
문제집 Python 배우기 51 100: Problem sets 51 to 100 for learning Python.
코드포스: Solutions and resources related to Codeforces contests and problems.
혼자 공부하는 파이썬: Resources for self-study in Python, including exercises and practice problems.