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Aurumaker72 edited this page Nov 25, 2024 · 2 revisions

Interactions inside Mupen64 happen primarily in its menus.

This page contains a breakdown of all menu items along with their functionality and is hierarchically structured like the in-app menus.


Load ROM...

Starts emulation with the specified ROM.

If the ROM is invalid or any other errors preventing an emulation start happen, an error dialog will be shown.

Close ROM

Stops emulation.

If tasks such as movie playback, recording, or video capture are running, you will be prompted prior to confirm the close action.

Reset ROM

Resets emulation, remaining on the same ROM as before.

Recent ROMs

Contains a list of the most recently used ROMs, with the latest ones at the top.

The list can be frozen, which prevents it being changed, or reset, which clears all items.

Load Latest ROM

Starts emulation with the first element in the recent ROM list.


Exits the program.



Pauses or unpauses emulation.

Frame Advance

Advances the emulator by one frame.

The emulator will remain paused after the frame advance operation completes and can be unpaused manually.

Take Screenshot

Takes a screenshot of the current game view.

This operation is implemented by the video plugin and can vary in quality and stability.

Save State

Saves a state to the current slot.

The current slot can be seen in the last segment of the statusbar and ranges from 1 to 10.

Slot-based savestates are saved to disk in the directory specified in Options > Settings... > Directories > Use default (/save)

Load State

Loads a state from the current slot.

The same rules apply as for saving a state, with some additional exceptions.

If a movie is being recorded or played back, loading a state from created in another movie (or none at all) might cause a desync and requires user confirmation.

If the desired savestate was created on another ROM, loading it might destabilize the emulator and thus also requires user confirmation.

Save State As...

Same as saving a savestate to a slot, but to a file.

Load State As...

Same as loading a savestate from a slot, but from a file.

Current Save State

Allows choosing the current savestate slot.


Full Screen

Toggles the full-screen mode.

This operation is implemented by the video plugin and can vary in quality and stability.

Plugin Settings

Video Settings

Shows the settings dialog for the currently selected video plugin.

Audio Settings

Shows the settings dialog for the currently selected audio plugin.

Input Settings

Shows the settings dialog for the currently selected input plugin.

RSP Settings

Shows the settings dialog for the currently selected RSP plugin.

Show Statusbar

Shows or hides the statusbar.


Shows the settings dialog.


Start Movie Recording...

Shows the movie dialog, allowing you to specify various parameters about the movie before starting a recording.

Start Movie Playback...

Shows the movie dialog, allowing you to choose a movie.

If a movie is being recorded or played back already, the task will be stopped without a prompt.

If emulation isn't running, the emulator will try to find and use the most appropriate ROM in your ROM library (as specified by Options > Settings... > Directories > Rombrowser). Should no matching ROM be found, an error message will be displayed.

Stop Movie

Stops playing back or recording a movie.

Recent Movies

Contains a list of the most recently played or recorded movies, with the latest ones at the top.

The list can be frozen, which prevents it being changed, or reset, which clears all items.

Load Latest Movie

Starts movie playback with the first element in the recent movie list.

Loop Movie Playback

Enables or disables movie playback looping.

If enabled, movies will restart from the beginning once they've played to the end.


Enables or disables read-only mode.

If enabled, rerecording is disabled and it becomes impossible to modify the currently playing movie.

This means that loading a savestate created during the currently playing movie won't begin recording from the point of the savestate onwards, but keep the playback state. Additionally, the Piano Roll also enters read-only mode and disallows modification of inputs.


Show RAM start...

Shows the address of the RDRAM buffer and allows copying an auto-generated Config.xml entry for STROOP.

Show Statistics...

Shows statistics about your usage of the program.

The playtime is measured in game time.

Start Trace Logger...

Starts or stops the trace logger.

The trace logger can generate logs for both the interpreted and recompiled cores.

The log format, either text or binary, can be chosen by the user.


Shows the CoreDbg dialog.

Only available when using the Pure Interpreter core.

CoreDbg is a rudimentary debugger which allows pausing and stepping through the emulator core's execution. It also provides other features for testing, such as a cartridge tilt (DMA read interference), or RSP toggle.


Shows the Run dialog.

The Run dialog displays recently used items from all recent lists.

Double-clicking an item or selecting it and pressing "Ok" will execute the associated action with the specified item, such as starting emulation with a ROM or playing a movie.


Shows the Cheats dialog.

(TODO: Needs separate page)

Seek To...

Shows the Seeker dialog.

Requires movie recording or playback to be active.

Allows navigating to a specific frame in a movie.

The target frame input must follow the seek frame format:

  • Absolute mode (e.g.: 490, seeks to frame 490 in the movie)
  • Now-relative mode (e.g.: +100, seeks to 100 frames from now, or -100, which seeks to 100 frames before the current frame)
  • End-relative mode (e.g.: ^80, seeks to the 80th-to-last frame)

As seek operations can be long-running, the Seeker will display the progress until the operation is finished.

Piano Roll

Shows the Piano Roll dialog.

(TODO: Needs separate page)

Video Capture

Start Capture...

Starts a video capture with the current capture settings.

Start From Preset...

Starts a video capture with the current capture settings and using the last selected codec preset.

Requires a non-preset capture to have been started prior.

Only affects capture with the VFW encoder.

Stop Capture

Stops the currently running video capture.


About Mupen64...

Shows information about the program.

Lua Script

New Instance...

Shows a Lua Instance dialog.

(TODO: Needs separate page)

Recent Scripts

Contains a list of the most recently used scripts, with the latest ones at the top.

The list can be frozen, which prevents it being changed, or reset, which clears all items.

Load Latest Script

Starts a Lua script with the first element in the recent script list.

Close All

Stops all running Lua scripts.