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Releases: mkeeter/fidget


06 Apr 14:33
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v0.2.3 Pre-release
  • Fix a possible panic during multithreaded 3D rendering of very small images
  • Add compare operator (equivalent to <=> in C++ or partial_cmp in Rust, with the difference that unordered results are returned as NAN)
  • Fix a bug in the x86 JIT evaluator's implementation of interval abs
  • Add generic TransformedShape<S>, representing a shape transformed by a 4x4 homogeneous matrix. This replaces RenderConfig::mat as the flexible strategy for rotation / scale / translation / perspective transforms, e.g. for interactive visualization (where you don't want to remap the underlying shape)
  • Introduce a new Bounds type, representing an X/Y/Z region of interest for rendering or meshing. This overlaps somewhat with TransformedShape, but it's ergonomic to specify render region instead of having to do the matrix
    math every time.
    • Replaced RenderConfig::mat with a new bounds member.
    • Added a new bounds member to mesh::Settings, for octree construction
  • Move Interval and Grad to fidget::types module, instead of fidget::eval::types.
  • Fix an edge case in meshing where nearly-planar surfaces could produce vertexes far from the desired position.
  • Add the modulo (Euclidean remainder) operation
  • Add logical operations (and, or, not), which can be used to build pseudo-conditionals which are simplified by the TracingEvaluator.


21 Mar 22:15
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0.2.2 Pre-release
  • Added many transcendental functions: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, exp, ln
  • Implemented more rigorous testing of evaluators, fixed a bunch of edge cases (mostly differences in NAN handling between platforms)
  • Tweaks to register allocator, for a small performance improvement


23 Feb 02:51
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0.2.1 Pre-release

This release is mostly small tweaks, but enough performance improvements have piled up that it seems worthwhile!

  • Changed fidget::eval::Vars to borrow instead of use an Arc
  • Properly pre-allocated mmap regions based on estimated size
  • Bump dependencies, fixing a Dependabot warning about atty being unmaintained
  • Fixed performance regressions in 3D rendering
  • Added wasm32-unknown-unknown target to CI checks
  • Reordered load/store generation so that register allocation generates linear code ("linear" in the type-system sense).
  • Small optimizations to register allocation
  • Added unit tests for rendering correctness


18 Feb 17:10
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0.2.0 Pre-release

This release includes a significant amount of reorganization and refactoring. There are two main sets of changes, along with some minor tweaks.

Completely revamped evaluation traits

Previously, evaluation was tightly coupled to the Tape type, and individual evaluators were tightly bound to a specific tape. Upon reflection, both of these decisions were reconsidered:

  • We may want to use Fidget's algorithms on implicit models that aren't defined as tapes, so the evaluation traits should be more generic
  • The previous code put a great deal of effort into reusing evaluator workspaces, but it was hard; it turns out that it's much cleaner to have evaluators own their workspaces but not own their tapes

These changes can be seen in the new fidget::eval::Shape trait, which replaces (but is not equivalent to) the previous fidget::eval::Family trait.

Compiler reorganization

Compiler modules are reorganized to live under fidget::compiler instead of being split between fidget::ssa and fidget::vm.

Other small changes

  • Improve meshing quality (better vertex placement, etc)
  • Add parallelism to meshing implementation, configured by the new fidget::mesh::Settings.
  • Added documentation to fidget::mesh modules


18 Feb 17:08
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0.1.4 Pre-release
  • Added initial meshing support in the fidget::mesh module, gated by the mesh feature (enabled by default).
  • Added support for aarch64-unknown-linux-* to the JIT compiler; previously, aarch64 was only supported on macOS.


18 Feb 17:08
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0.1.3 Pre-release

This release adds an x86_64 backend to the JIT compiler


18 Feb 17:07
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0.1.2 Pre-release

Second point release; at this point, is working.


18 Feb 17:06
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0.1.1 Pre-release

Point release which attempted to fix documentation rendering (and failed)


18 Feb 17:05
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0.1.0 Pre-release

Initial release to