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Releases: mkeeter/fidget


06 Mar 21:15
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v0.3.5 Pre-release
  • Added #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] to View2 and View3
  • Make TranslateHandle take a const N: usize parameter
  • Use TranslateHandle in View2 (previously, it was only used in View3)
  • Make translate and rotate functions borrow their respective handle, instead of taking it by value.
  • Fix docstring for AndRegImm, AndRegReg, OrRegImm, and OrRegReg
  • Add cancel: CancelToken to 2D and 3D rendering configuration objects; this is a shared Arc<AtomicBool> which can be used to stop rendering. The returned type is now an Option<...>, where None indicates that rendering was cancelled.
  • Fix inconsistency between JIT and VM evaluator when performing interval evaluation of not([NAN, NAN]).
  • Propagate NAN values through and and or operations on intervals.
  • Add a new Image<P> generic image type (wrapping a Vec<P>, width, and height).
    • Define DepthImage, NormalImage, and ColorImage specializations
    • Use these types in 2D and 3D rendering
  • Remove Grad::to_rgb in favor of handling it at the image level
  • Add fidget::render::effects module for post-processing rendered images:
    • Combining depth and normal images into a shaded image
    • Denoising normals to fix back-facing samples
    • Computing and applying screen-space ambient occlusion
  • Optimize implementation of interval modulo for cases where the right-hand argument is a positive constant value (which is the most common when using it for domain repetition)
  • Update many dependencies to their latest versions

⚠️ Due to getrandom#504, crates which use Fidget as a library and compile to WebAssembly must select a getrandom backend.

This can be done either on the command line (RUSTFLAGS='--cfg getrandom_backend="wasm_js"') or in a .cargo/config.toml configuration file (e.g. this file in Fidget itself).


26 Dec 15:34
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v0.3.4 Pre-release
  • Add GenericVmFunction::simplify_with to simultaneously simplify a function and pick a new register count for the resulting tape
  • Add bidirectional conversions between JitFunction and GenericVmFunction (exposing the inner data member)
  • Add a new TileSizes(Vec<usize>) object representing tile sizes used during rendering. Unlike the previous Vec<usize>, this data type checks our tile size invariants at construction. It is used in the struct RenderConfig.
  • Rethink rendering and viewport configuration:
    • Add a new RegionSize<const N: usize> type (with ImageSize and VoxelSize aliases), representing a render region. This type is responsible for the screen-to-world transform
    • Add View2 and View3 types, which stores the world-to-model transform (scaling, panning, etc)
    • Image rendering uses both RegionSize and ViewX; this means that we can now render non-square images!
    • Meshing uses just a View3, to position the model within the ±1 bounds
    • The previous fidget::shape::Bounds type is removed
    • Remove fidget::render::render2d/3d from the public API, as they're equivalent to the functions on ImageRenderConfig / VoxelRenderConfig
  • Move RenderHints into fidget::render
  • Remove fine-grained features from fidget crate, because we aren't actually testing the power-set of feature combinations in CI (and some were breaking!). The only remaining features are rhai, jit and eval-tests.
  • Add new ShapeVars<T> type, representing a map from VarIndex -> T. This type is used for high-level rendering and meshing of Shape objects that include supplementary variables
  • Add Octree::build_with_vars and Image/VoxelRenderConfig::run_with_vars functions for shapes with supplementary variables
  • Change ShapeBulkEval::eval_v to take single variables (i.e. x, y, z vary but each variable has a constant value across the whole slice). Add ShapeBulkEval::eval_vs if x, y, z and variables are all changing through the slices.
  • Add a new GenericVmTape<N> type, and use it for VM evaluation. Previously, the GenericVmFunction<N> type implemented both Tape and Function.
  • Add vars() to Function trait, because there are cases where we want to get the variable map without building a tape (and it must always be the same).
  • Fix soundness bug in Mmap (probably not user-visible)
  • Add Send + Sync + Clone bounds to the trait Tape, to make them easily shared between threads. Previously, we used an Arc<Tape> to share tapes between threads, but tapes were already using an Arc<..> under the hood.
  • Changed Tape::recycle from returning a Storage to returning an Option<Storage>, as tapes may now be shared between threads.
  • Use Rayon for 2D and 3D rasterization
    • The threads member of VoxelRenderConfig and ImageRenderConfig is now a Option<ThreadPool>, which can be None (use a single thread), Some(ThreadPool::Global) (use the global Rayon pool), or Some(ThreadPool::Custom(..)) (use a user-provided pool)
    • This is a step towards WebAssembly multithreading, using wasm-bindgen-rayon.
    • ThreadCount is moved to fidget::mesh, because that's the only place it's now used
      • The plan is to switch to Rayon for meshing as well, eventually
  • Tweak View2 and View3 APIs to make them more useful as camera types


01 Oct 12:49
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v0.3.3 Pre-release

This release adds multiple outputs to the low-level math and function traits. The high-level Shape object has not changed, although internally it now checks that it's wrapping a single-output Function.

  • Function and evaluator types now produce multiple outputs
    • MathFunction::new now takes a slice of nodes, instead of a single node
    • All of the intermediate tape formats (SsaTape, etc) are aware of multiple output nodes
    • Evaluation now returns a slice of outputs, one for each root node (ordered based on order in the &[Node] slice passed to MathFunction::new)
  • RegisterAllocator no longer binds SSA register 0 to physical register 0 by default. If you don't know what this means, don't worry about it.


24 Jul 13:30
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v0.3.2 Pre-release

This release adds symbolic differentiation, along with more ergonomic improvements.

  • Added impl IntoNode for Var, to make handling Var values in a context easier.
  • Added impl From<TreeOp> for Tree for convenience
  • Added Context::export(&self, n: Node) -> Tree to make a freestanding Tree given a context-specific Node.
  • Fix possible corruption of x24 during AArch64 float slice JIT evaluation, due to incorrect stack alignment.
  • Added Context::deriv and Tree::deriv to do symbolic differentiation of math expressions.


04 Jun 12:09
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v0.3.1 Pre-release

The highlight of this release is the fidget::solver module, which implements the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to minimize a system of equations (represented as fidget::eval::Function objects). It's our first official case of using Fidget's types and traits for things other than pure implicit surfaces!

Detailed changelog below:

  • Fixed a bug in the x86 JIT which could corrupt registers during gradient (grad_slice) evaluation
  • Renamed Context::const_value to Context::get_const and tweaked its return type to match Context::get_var.
  • Added impl From<i32> for Tree to make writing tree expressions easier
  • Removed Error::ReservedName and Error::DuplicateName, which were unused
  • Add the fidget::solver module, which contains a simple solver for systems of equations. The solver requires the equations to implement Fidget's Function trait. It uses both point-wise and gradient evaluation to solve for a set of Var values, using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
  • Add Tree::var() and impl TryFrom<Tree> for Var


29 May 12:26
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v0.3.0 Pre-release
  • Major refactoring of core evaluation traits
    • The lowest-level "thing that can be evaluated" trait has changed from Shape (taking (x, y, z) inputs) to Function (taking an arbitrary number of variables).
    • Shape is now a wrapper around a F: Function instead of a trait.
    • Shape evaluators are now wrappers around E: BulkEvaluator or E: TracingEvaluator, which convert (x, y, z) arguments into list-of-variables arguments.
    • Using the VmShape or JitShape types should be mostly the same as before; changes are most noticeable if you're writing things that are generic across S: Shape.
  • Major refactoring of how variables are handled
    • Removed VarNode; the canonical variable type is Var, which is its own unique index.
    • Removed named variables, to make Var trivially Copy + Clone.
    • Added vars() method to Function trait, allowing users to look up the mapping from variable to evaluation index. A Var now represents a persistent identity from Tree to Context to Function evaluation.
    • Move Var and VarMap into fidget::vars module, because they're no longer specific to a Context.
    • Op::Input now takes a u32 argument, instead of a u8
  • Fixed a bug in the AArch64 JIT would which could corrupt certain registers during interval evaluation.


18 May 20:31
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v0.2.7 Pre-release

This release brings us to opcode parity with libfive's operators, adding atan2 and various rounding operations. In addition, there are a few new APIs and rearrangements in preparation for larger refactoring to come.

  • Changed to 2D rendering API to support render modes which use linear interpolation to process full / empty regions
    • Specifically, RenderMode::interval now returns an IntervalAction, which can be Fill(..), Recurse, or Interpolate.
    • Modify SdfRenderMode use this interpolation; the previous pixel-perfect behavior is renamed to SdfPixelRenderModel
    • Make RenderMode trait methods static, because they weren't using &self
    • Change signature of fidget::render::render2d to pass the mode only as a generic parameter, instead of an argument
  • Add new operations: floor, ceil, round, atan2
  • Changed BulkEvaluator::eval signature to take x, y, z arguments as &[T] instead of &[f32]. This is more flexible for gradient evaluation, because it allows the caller to specify up to three gradients, without pinning them to specific argument.
  • Moved tile_sizes_2d, tile_sizes_3d, and simplify_tree_during_meshing into a new fidget::shape::RenderHits trait. This is a building block for generic (n-variable) function evaluation.


12 May 14:24
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v0.2.6 Pre-release

This is a relatively small release; there are a few features to improve the WebAssembly demo, bug fixes and improvements for very deep Tree objects, and one more public API.

  • Added VmShape serialization (using serde), specifically
    • #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)} on VmData
    • impl From<VmData<255>> for VmShape { .. }
  • Fixed stack overflows when handling very deep Tree objects
    • Added a non-recursive Drop implementation
    • Rewrote Context::import to use the heap instead of stack
  • Updated Context::import to cache the TreeOp → Node mapping, which is a minor optimization (probably only relevant for unreasonably large Tree objects)
  • Made fidget::render::RenderHandle public and documented


14 Apr 16:26
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v0.2.5 Pre-release

The highlight of this release is native Windows support (including JIT compilation). Everything should work out of the box; please open an issue if things are misbehaving.

There are a handful of API and feature changes as well:

  • Removed threads parameter from various Settings objects when targeting wasm32, so that it's harder to accidentally spawn threads (which would panic).
  • Removed min_depth / max_depth distinction in meshing; this doesn't actually guarantee manifold models (see this scale-invariant adversarial model), so the extra complexity isn't worth it.
  • Added Windows support (including JIT)
  • Removed write-xor-execute feature, which was extra cognitive load that no one had actually asked for; if you care about it, let me know!


11 Apr 12:17
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v0.2.4 Pre-release

The highlight of this release is a refactoring of how shapes are handled in Rhai scripts: instead of being built from thunks (unevaluated closures) and evaluated in draw(..) and draw_rgb(..), they are built directly using a new Tree object. This makes writing scripts more ergonomic:

// Before
fn circle(cx, cy, r) {
   |x, y| {
       sqrt((x - cx) * (x - cx) +
            (y - cy) * (y - cy)) - r

// After
fn circle(cx, cy, r) {
    let ax = axes();
    sqrt((ax.x - cx) * (ax.x - cx) +
         (ax.y - cy) * (ax.y - cy)) - r

The change is even more noticeable on higher-level functions (functions which operate on shapes):

// Before
fn intersection(a, b) {
    |x, y| {
        max(, y),, y))

// After
fn intersection(a, b) {

Detailed changelog

  • Add helper function Context::if_nonzero_else to build conditionals (using the logical operators added in version 0.2.3)
  • Add fidget::context::{Tree, TreeOp}. These types allow construction of math trees without a parent Context (and therefore without deduplication); the resulting trees can be loaded into a Context using Context::import. This replaces the BoundNode and BoundContext types (previously only available for unit tests).
  • Remove Context::remap_xyz in favor of lazy remapping with Tree::remap_xyz.
  • Use Tree in Rhai scripts, removing the per-script Context. This is an API change: previously, shapes in Rhai were thunks evaluated during calls to draw(..); now, shapes in Rhai are Tree objects, and there's much less function wrangling required.
  • Remove the distinction between variables and inputs (by removing all Var-related functions and opcodes). This was over-engineered; the plan going forward will be to support functions with N inputs (currently fixed to 3, x/y/z).
  • Improved robustness of viewer application when editors move files instead of writing to them directly.
  • Add Rhai bindings for all new opcodes
  • Tweak JIT calling convention to take an array of inputs instead of X, Y, Z arguments.