Some utilities for the toaq language, featuring:
- an interactive dictionary:
- involving the files:
- launch with:
- open
in a ⦅modern⦆ browser
- open
- how to use:
- type a word in a search field. Options can be toggled both via clicking or by adding
in any order at the end of the url
- type a word in a search field. Options can be toggled both via clicking or by adding
- involving the files:
- a discord bot, able to search, match, and parse
- involving the files:
- all but
- all but
- launch with:
node bot.js
, in a terminal with nodejs. Just fill upbot.js
with the bot's parameters ⦅names of the authorized channels; and the bot's discord token⦆. Before any launchs, install the dependencies ⦅currently, onlydiscord.js
⦆ by hand, or withnpm install
- how to use:
- type
in a room where the bot is present
- type
- involving the files:
To use the dictionary offline, download this repository and launch it.
wget; perl -i -p -e 's/\<\!DOCTYPE(.*)\n//g;' -e 's?<tr><td>(.*)</td><td><em>(.*)</td></tr><tr><td>(.*)</td></tr>?\{dtoaq:$1,ten:$2,den:$3?g;' -e 's/\"/\\"/g;' -e 's/\{dtoaq:(.*),ten:(.*),den:(.*)/\{"dtoaq":"$1","ten":"$2","den":"$3"/g;' index.html;
cat index.html | grep '{"dtoaq"' > undex.html; cat index.html | grep -oP '{"dtoaq":.*,"ten"' | sed -E 's/[áàâāãǎả]/a/g;s/[éèêēẽěẻ]/e/g;s/[íìîīĩǐỉ]/i/g;s/[óòôōõǒỏ]/o/g;s/[úùûūũǔủ]/u/g;s/\{\"dtoaq\"\:/\"toaq\":/g;s/",".*/"\},/g;' > undia;
paste -d ',' undex.html undia > toaq_dict.js; rm undia; rm undex.html; rm index.html; perl -i -p -e 'print "data = [\n" if $. == 1' toaq_dict.js; echo "]" >> toaq_dict.js; perl -i -p -e 's/\r\",\"/\",\"/g;' toaq_dict.js
wget; perl -i -p -e 's?</style>?</style>\n?g;s?<tr?\n<tr?g;s/<meta.*>\n//g;s/<style.*<\/style>\n//g;s/.*<thead>.*\n//;s?.*<\/thead>.*\n??g;s?.*freezebar\-cell.*\n??g;s/<tr.+?>/<tr>/g;s/<td.+?>/<td>/g;s/<th.+?>/<th>/g;s/<div.+?>/<div>/g;;s/<th>.*<\/th>//g;s/<div>(.*)<\/div>/$1/g;s/<\/?div>//g;s?<tr><td>(.*)</td><td>(.*)</td><td>(.*)</td><td>(.*)</td></tr>?{dtoaq:$1,ten:$2,gen:$3,den:$4?g;s/\"/\\"/g;s?</tbody>??g;s?</table>??g;s/<a.*<\/a>//g;s?{dtoaq:(.*),ten:(.*),gen:(.*),den:(.*)?{"dtoaq":"$1","ten":"$2","gen":"$3","den":"$4"?g;' dict.html
cat dict.html | grep '{"dtoaq"' > undex.html; cat undex.html | grep -oP '{"dtoaq":.*,"ten"' | sed -E 's/[áàâāãǎả]/a/g;s/[éèêēẽěẻ]/e/g;s/[íìîīĩǐỉ]/i/g;s/[óòôōõǒỏ]/o/g;s/[úùûūũǔủ]/u/g;s/\{\"dtoaq\"\:/\"toaq\":/g;s/",".*/"\},/g;' > undia;
paste -d ',' undex.html undia > toaq_dict.js; rm undia; rm undex.html; rm dict.html; perl -i -p -e 'print "data = [\n" if $. == 1' toaq_dict.js; echo "]" >> toaq_dict.js; perl -i -p -e 's/\r\",\"/\",\"/g;s/{"dtoaq":"toaq","ten":"type","gen":"gloss","den":"definition","toaq":"toaq"},\n//g;' toaq_dict.js
⦅Not necessary to use either the dict' or the bot, but useful.⦆