This repository contains R code which accompanies the paper,
Hocking, M.D.; MacAdams, J.C.; Allison, M.J.; Bergman, L.C.; Sneiderman, R.; Koop, B.F.; Starzomski, B.M.; Lesperance, M.L.; Helbing, C.C. Establishing the Signal above the Noise: Accounting for an Environmental Background in the Detection and Quantification of Salmonid Environmental DNA. Fishes 2022, 7, 266.
eLowHighQuant-fishes-(date).Rmd - R Markdown file used for computations for the paper
eLowHighQuant-fishes-(date).html - html rendered file from the Rmd file
eLowHighQuant-fishes-(date).pdf - pdf rendered file from the Rmd file
To download and view the html file eLowHighQuant-fishes-(date).html:
Method 1: Click on the file name, then click the Download button. A page of html code will be displayed. Right-click on that page, and choose 'Save as' and save the file into the folder of your choice. Double-clicking on the saved file will display the html file correctly.
Method 2: Click on Code button and choose Download zip. This will download a zip file of all of the files and you can open any file from the resulting folder.