What to eat today is a specially prepared for students with a phobia of food choices at a Chinese University. It can help you choose the food you want to eat here and now, and at the same time, you can get the food around Zhengzhou University North Campus. Currently running online.
今天吃什么 是一款专门为郑州大学北校区有选择恐惧症的学生吃货准备的,它可以帮你选择你此时此处此情想吃的食物,同时可以获取郑州大学北校区周边的美食。目前在线上运行。
- WeChat Mini Program
- ZanUI
- Tencent Map API
- Zephyr Weather API
- Your own smart brain
- 微信小程序
- ZanUI
- 腾讯地图API
- 和风天气API
- 自己聪明的大脑
- csdn: < https://blog.csdn.net/hhhhhzl?spm=1000.2115.3001.5343 >
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