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Polymer element for Google Map infowindow when the infowindow must support events


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A fully composable element that displays a <paper-material> backed infowindow-like card on a <google-map> element at the position of a map marker.

Live Demos

At (the Github Project Page) you will find multiple live demos and the source code behind them.


In its current implementation (as of June 2016) the native infowindow does not support event handlers, so interactive infowindows are out. For example:

    <google-map-marker ...>
      <paper-button on-tap="makeReservation">Reserve</paper-button>

This will not work because all bindings are lost when the infowindow is built. There is an issue open (#288), but as of now it is not resolved.

Additionally, the infowindow does not support the use of CSS style classes under native shadow dom (classes work under shady dom).

If you don't need event handlers, and will style your elements in the infowindow only with style="..." on each tag, use the native infowindow. If you do need events, or CSS style classes, this element may help you.

Normal Infowindow Functionality Supported

Normal Google Map infowindow behavior is supported, including moving the window as the user pans the map, changes zoom, or drags the marker. The behavior where the map pans automatically to allow the infowindow to be displayed when the clicked marker was too close to an edge is also supported. In addition, since dynamic content is allowed, if the size of the content changes, the position of the window will adjust accordingly.

Sample Usage

    <google-map latitude="40.7555" longitude="-73.985" on-google-map-ready="mapReady" fit-to-markers>
      <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[salons]]" as="s">
        <google-map-marker click-events latitude="[[]]" longitude="[[s.lng]]" on-google-map-marker-click="markerClick">
      <paper-map-info id="myinfocard" fade-in>
        <div class="layout vertical">
          <div style="width:100%; background-color: blue; font-weight: bold; color: white; padding: 5px;">[[]]</div>
          <div class="layout vertical" style="border: 2px solid blue; padding: 5px;">
            <paper-button raised on-tap="booking">Book an Appointment</paper-button>
    markerClick: function(e) {
      this.selectedSalon = e.model.get('s');

The element is meant to be fully composable so you can have anything inside, even neon-animated-pages, streaming data charts, etc., if you want.

Referencing Requirements

The element is written in typescript and requires polymer-ts, which should come right after your polymer reference.

<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
<link rel-"import" href="bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" />
<link rel-"import" href="bower_components/polymer-ts/polymer-ts.html" />
<link rel-"import" href="bower_components/paper-map-info/paper-map-info.html" />

Of course, using the path to bower_components that applies to your project.


You can customize the paper-material background using the --paper-map-info-mixin. You can customize the style of the beak (pointer from the card to the pin) with --paper-map-info-beak-mixin. Or even replace the default beak entirely with:

    <div class="paper-map-info-beak">
      ... your image or svg here ...

inside the content of the paper-map-info.

Install in Your Project

Install with bower:

bower install --save paper-map-info


Element dependencies are managed via Bower. You can install that via:

`npm install -g bower`

Then, go ahead and download the element's dependencies:

`bower install`

Viewing the Element Pages and Demo

Use Polyserve to serve up the element documentation and demo. You can install it via:

`npm install -g polyserve`

And you can run it via:


Once running, you can preview your element at http://localhost:8080/components/paper-map-info/, where paper-map-info is the name of the directory containing it.

Issues and Contributions

Please file issues on the github page. Contributions via pull request are certainly welcome.


Polymer element for Google Map infowindow when the infowindow must support events







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