- Team Members:
- Carrie
- Moto
- Wilder
- Zarina
This website will enable users to search for drink recipes by name and/or ingredient. Search results will show recipes as well as current news/posts/forum posts containing the search term.
- This repository has been forked from where we developed the app originally together in Carrie's GitHub account. [2/20/2019]
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
TheCocktailDB | Cocktail Recipes | apiKey | Yes | Yes |
Currents | Latest news published in various news sources, blogs and forums | apiKey | Yes | Yes |
- 3 pages (with a NavBar):
- Search Page
- Have an input box, where user can type in a drink name / ingredients
- Have a “search” button
- Once user click “search” button, it will use API and populate 2 things:
- Recipe (from cocktail API)
- Relevant news/blogs related to the drink (from Currents API)
- Submit your own recipe Page
- User will input: Name / Drink Name / Ingredients / Instructions
- And submit button
- Everything will go to firebase after submitted
- User Submitted Recipe Page
- A form displaying all user submitted recipes
API Reference: https://github.com/toddmotto/public-apis
- Everyone:
- Learn github master/branch/pull request/merge/etc.
- Moto:
- Search page - API research
- NYTimes API (text-to-speech enabled)
- Google Custom Search
- YouTube
- Search page - API research
- Wilder
- Firebase
- Submit your own recipe page
- Zarina
- Search page - API research (cocktail API)
- Search page - Search Area
- Carrie
- Firebase
- Users’ submitted drinks page