Election simulator from Object-oriented programming course.
Written in Java, as a Maven project.
Input-based tests are located in tests
Package file elections.jar
is in out/artifacts/elections_jar
Detailed description in Polish is in file description.pdf
Three methods for allocating seats in parliaments are tested:
Four strategies of parties are possible:
- R - lavish strategy
- S - modest strategy
- W - my own strategy
- Z - greedy strategy
- 1 line: "n p d c", where
- n - number of electoral districts
- p - number of political parties
- d - number of possible actions
- c - number of distinct characteristics of the candidate
- 2 line: "n p1 p2 ... pn", where
- k - number of pairs of electoral districts to merge
- pi in the form of (j, j+1) - ids of districts to merge
- 3 line: p names of parties
- 4 line: p party budgets
- 5 line: p party strategies from the collection {R, S, W, Z}
- 6 line: n number of voters in each district
- next lines: descriptions of candidates
- next lines: descriptions of voters
- next d lines: desriptions of possible actions
- name of the method for allocating seats
- for each district:
- voters and their votes,
- candidates and their votes,
- parties and their seats from this district
- for each party: party name, number of seats