Updated version of p2p-org/solanaj Solana blockchain client, written in pure Java. Solanaj is an API for integrating with Solana blockchain using the Solana RPC API
public static void main(String[] args) throws RpcException {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
String words = "swing brown camera enter burden awful rent shock mobile wisdom increase scissors";
String passphrase = "carry";
* create account using mnemonic phrase
Account account = Account.fromMnemonic(words, passphrase);
System.out.println("address 1: " + account.getAddress());
* create account using mnemonic phrase, derivation path and address index
DerivationPath derivationPath = new DerivationPathBuilder() //
account = Account.fromMnemonic(words, passphrase, derivationPath, 1);
System.out.println("address 2: " + account.getAddress());
* send a transaction
RpcClient client = new RpcClient(Cluster.TESTNET);
PublicKey fromPublicKey = new PublicKey("79M3HrgELA5Dnibjgir8UTkk8u9RkV3WhbkaqSjzVY3");
PublicKey toPublickKey = new PublicKey("2Ym21uN3GqvFwkrvoWKwcTwqRjk1pFVSS6RFguNgmYdV");
int lamports = Coin.TSOL.coinToFractions(BigDecimal.valueOf(1)).intValue();
Transaction transaction = new Transaction();
transaction.addInstruction(SystemProgram.transfer(fromPublicKey, toPublickKey, lamports));
String hash = client.getApi().sendTransaction(transaction, account);
System.out.println("transaction hash: " + hash);
System.out.println("view on browser: " + String.format("https://solanabeach.io/transaction/%s?cluster=testnet", hash));
Solanaj is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.