This project aims to support highly configurable automaton for Dynv6 zones.
It supports configuration via appsettings.json.
- ForceUpdate will force the ip update every run.
- EnvironmentKey will make the program to search for prefixed values. IE: "EnvironmentKey": "mcvingenieros" --> mcvingenieros__hostname
- LastPublicIpPath will overwrite the default save location. It will save only the last correct IP.
- PublicIpProviders will give the program a list of public ip value providers, they have to return a JSON value as {"ip": "A.N.Y.IP"}
- DyndnsAPIUrl will overwrite the dynv6 update url
For the program getting working, it needs 2 environment values: hostname and httptoken. Once the 2 values are setted, its ready to work.
If you want to run the program every X days, make a scheduled task in windows.
For creating the Environmnet variables, this script could be used:
# Set the hostname (you can change this as needed)
$hostname = "MY_HOSTNAME"
# Set the prefix (you can change this as needed)
$prefix = "MY_APP"
# Set the token (replace with your actual token)
# Create the environment variables
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("${prefix}__hostname", $hostname, "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("${prefix}__httptoken", $token, "Process")
# Verify the variables were created
Write-Host "Environment variables created:"
Write-Host "${prefix}__hostname = $([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("${prefix}__hostname", "Process"))"
Write-Host "${prefix}__httptoken = $([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("${prefix}__httptoken", "Process"))"