Lite-weight Optimized C++ wrapper for running YOLO11 object detection using an ONNX model with OpenCV's DNN.
To use it in your project, just include the ./include/yolov11.hpp
and ./src/yolov11.cpp
Note: for this to work, place the coco.names
file in the same directory as the model
CUDA acceleration can be enabled using CUDA_ACC
macro. Same with OpenCL using OPENCL_ACC
Running on an Image
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "yolov11.hpp"
#invlude <iostream>
int main() {
YOLOv11 model("yolo11s.onnx");
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("sample.jpg");
std::vector<ObjectBBox> bbox_list = model.detect(img);
for (auto& bbox : bbox_list) {
std::cout << "Label:" << bbox.label << " Conf: " << bbox.conf;
std::cout << "(" << bbox.x1 << ", " << bbox.y1 << ") ";
std::cout << "(" << bbox.x2 << ", " << bbox.y2 << ")" << std::endl;
cv::imwrite("sample_out.jpg", img);
return 0;
You can pass a function or callable to filter valid classes, making NMS slightly more efficient.
YOLOv11 model("yolo11s.onnx", 0.45f, 0.45f,
[](int lbl_id, const std::string& lbl) {
return lbl_id >= 0 && lbl_id <= 8;/* Only vehicles */
std::map<int, std::string> valid_class_d = {
{1, "bicycle"},
{2, "car"},
{3, "motorcycle"},
{4, "airplane"},
{5, "bus"},
{6, "train"},
{7, "truck"},
{8, "boat"},
YOLOv11 model("yolo11s.onnx", 0.45f, 0.45f,
[](int lbl_id, const std::string& lbl) {
return valid_class_d.find(lbl_id) != valid_class_d.end();
To get all {class_id, name}
for (const auto& [id, name] : model.getClassIdNamePairs()) {
std::cout << id << ": " << name << std::endl;