- Get contributor access to target Azure tenant and subscription from your cloud admin team
- Get contributor+userAccessAdministor or owner access to target managed identity from your cloud admin team
- Get contributor access to ISAaC GitHub repository from MobiLab ISAaC team
Fork the ISAaC GitHub repository in your own GitHub workspace Note: Your organization should compliant with GitHub as valid software
Go to Microsoft Azure → Search “managed identity“ in top middle search box → Click the target managed identity → click “federated credentials (preview)“ in the left pane → Click “Add credentials”
- Federated credential scenario - GitHub Actions deploying Azure Resources
- Organization - Enter your GitHub organization/owner name of your choice
- Repository - Enter the URL of the forked repository from above
- Entity - master
- Name - Enter any name of your choice, make it relevant
Launch the forked GitHub repository → Click “settings” → add the followings secrets one by one with managed identity details
Adjust the different parameters inside common-config.yaml
file in your forked GitHub repository as per the description given below and commit it to master branch
tenantId: "<input tenant or directory id>"
location: "<input azure region name where azure resources to be created, ex. westeurope>"
locationAbbreviation: "<input standard azure region abbreviation name corresponding to above location, ex. weu>"
environment: "<input environment name, ex. prod>"
workload: "<input workload or short form of team name, ex. ops>"
org: "<input organisation name, ex. mblb>"
OwnerEmail: "<input owner email id>"
CreationDate: "<input azure resource creation date>"
DeletionDate: "<input azure resource deletion date>"
# Terraform requires a storage account to store the statefile, those info goes here; either you can create new resources or use the existing one
resourceGroupName: "<input desired statefile resource group name or already created one, ex. rg-prod-mlb-iac-westeurope>"
storageAccountName: "<input desired statefile storage account name or already created one, ex. stprodmlbiacopsweu>"
containerName: "<input desired statefile storage account container name or already created one, ex. tfstate>"
key: "<input desired terraform state file name, ex. tf-prod-mlb-iac-weu.tfstate>"
useOidc: true
sku: "standard"
Note: The new terraform statefile resources will be created by the pipeline automatically based on your desired input
Once the common-config.yaml file has been committed, the pipeline will be triggered automatically in your pipeline; And examine how the pipeline goes and verify the deployed azure infrastructure in your azure subscription, once pipeline successful.