This tool allows us to generate pseudo-random Active Directory users for the enclave. The tool randomly selects a first and last name, and assigns some other property metadata to the ad objects.
Finally, a password is set. Our workstation configuration leverages this to randomly assign an account to each node simulating real user logons.
Usage is simple, -d yourdns.yourdomain -c ou=SomeOU,dc=yourdns,dc=yourdomain -n 10 -p "*Password*"
-d, --domainDNS Required. DomainDNS Name eg bob.local
-c, --containerPath Required. The Path of the OU to create in.
-n, --number Required. Number of accounts to generatee
-p, --password Required. Password to set for user accounts generated.
If you have any issues, questions, or comments feel free to contact me on twitter, or file an issue. @turingnerd.