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1. Installation

Christian Kater edited this page Mar 20, 2019 · 3 revisions

To build DCPLib you need to have a C++ 11 compatible compiler and cmake (version >= 3.5). For Ubuntu 18.04 the following package could be used:

sudo apt install -y gcc-7 g++-7 cmake 

If the Ethernet package is used (supporting UDP & TCP as transport protocol) additionaly asio standalone needs to be installed. For Ubuntu 18.04 the following script could be used:

cd /tmp
cd asio-1.12.1
./configure --without-boost
cd include;
sudo make install

If the Xml package is used (supporting to read dcpx files) additionaly Xerces-c needs to be installed. For Ubuntu 18.04 the following could be used:

sudo apt install libxerces-c-dev

If the Zip package is used (supporting to read dcp packages) additionaly LibZip needs to be installed. For Ubuntu 18.04 the following could be used:

sudo apt install libzip-dev

To install DCPLib configure the project with cmake und build it with the target install. For Ubuntu 18.04 the following script could be used:

cd /directory/of/DCPLib
mkdir -p build
pushd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target install

Depending on your installation directory you may need sudo rights to install DCPLib with cmake. DCPLib on its self do not need sudo right for the build process.

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