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Tomasz Modrzyński edited this page Aug 17, 2016 · 15 revisions
Key Values Description
DB_ENGINE sqlite:///db.sqlite
Database engine. Anything acceptable by SQLAlchemy is accepted here, though MySQL and SQLite have been battle-tested.
Encryption library.
AREA_NAME u'Wrocław' Name of scanned area (e.g. city name) - required for reports.
LANGUAGE EN Language used to display Pokemon names. Currently supported: EN, DE, FR, ZH.
MAP_START (12.3456, 14.5) Coordinates (lat, lon) of top left corner of the area.
MAP_END (13.4567, 15.321) Coordinates (lat, lon) of bottom right corner of the area.
GRID (4, 5) Workers configuration. Also indicates how many workers will be spawned.
DISABLE_WORKERS [1, 3, 5] Workers that won't be activated. Use to disable workers that would otherwise scan empty areas.
CYCLES_PER_WORKER 3 How many times worker will scan its area before restarting (i.e. logging in again).
SCAN_DELAY 10 Minimum number of seconds to wait between each scan request. Note that maximum will be this value + 2 seconds, so that there's different delay between requests.
SCAN_RADIUS 70 Determines spread of points, in metres.
ACCOUNTS list of ('user', 'password', 'service') Service may be ptc or google. Each worker needs a separate entry here (even if credentials are the same).
TRASH_IDS [13, 16, 19, 21, 41, 96] Hide these Pokemon from live map.
STAGE2 [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18] List of Pokemons used for "stage 2 & rare" section of the report.
REPORT_SINCE datetime(2016, 7, 29) Date from which reports should start. Set to None if you want to disable it.
GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY abcdef123456 Temporary moved it from credentials.json (meaning you can delete it now), after reports are rewritten to Leaflet it will be removed, too.
MAP_PROVIDER_URL //{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png URL for map providers, use it if you want to change how map looks like. See Leaflet providers demo for sample providers.
MAP_PROVIDER_ATTRIBUTION &copy; <a href="" >OpenStreetMap</a> contributors Appropriate attribution for map tiles used above. Properly fill this, especially if you're sharing the live map.
PROXIES {'http': 'socks5://', 'https': 'socks5://'} A dict of HTTP proxies, in the same format requests accept.
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