Python library for using the MQ5 gas sensor on BeagleBone Black or BeagleBone Green. This sensor is just an analog input, so this library is pretty simple. However, the sensor is available as a Grove module, so this library will be useful to anyone experimenting with Grove sensors on the BeagleBone in Python. Any analog sensor will work in the same way as the mq5 gas sensor (and you could in fact use this library to read any analog input).
To install, execute the following commands:
git clone # or download as a zip and extract it somewhere handy
cd python_mq5_gas_sensor
sudo python install
Ensure you have internet access so that you can install any required dependencies.
See usage examples in the examples folder.
MQ5 Gas sensors may be purchased as Grove modules from Seeed studio:
Further information can be found on the seeed wiki:
Written by Daniel Smith for UNSW Australia and LaTrobe University. MIT license and all text above must be included in any redistribution