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testing workflows vol.3

Demo Argo Workflow & ArgoCD App

This repository wants to achieve following CI/CD platform:

Target Schema


Install WSL (Windows Only)

Install WSL

Forking and Configuring Repository for Personal Use

To use this repository for your own purposes, you'll need to fork it and make several changes to configure it for your own GitHub repository and DockerHub username.

Fork the Repository: Fork this repository to your own GitHub account.

Update Workflow YAML:

In .argo/workflow.yaml, change the GitHub repository URL and DockerHub username:

Line 48: git clone $GIT_REPO_BASE_PATH/majoferenc/demo-cicd-automation-app.git /workspace -> Change majoferenc to your GitHub username.

Line 94: build --frontend dockerfile.v0 --local context=. --local dockerfile=. --output type=image,$GIT_HASH,push=true -> Change marianferenc to your DockerHub username.

Line 103: git clone $GIT_REPO_BASE_PATH/majoferenc/demo-cicd-automation-app.git -> Change majoferenc to your GitHub username.

Update Application Configuration:

In .argo/application.yaml, update the repository URL:

Line 13: repoURL: -> Change majoferenc to your GitHub username (ensure case sensitivity).

Update Chart Values:

In chart/values.yaml, update the DockerHub repository:

Line 7: repository: -> Change marianferenc to your DockerHub username.

Update sensor configuration for events and webhooks:

In .argo/sensor.yaml, update the repository URL:

Line 87: git clone $GIT_REPO_BASE_PATH/majoferenc/demo-cicd-automation-app.git /workspace -> Change majoferenc to your GitHub username (ensure case sensitivity).

Line 133: build --frontend dockerfile.v0 --local context=. --local dockerfile=. --output type=image,$GIT_HASH,push=true -> Change marianferenc to your DockerHub username.

Line 142: git clone $GIT_REPO_BASE_PATH/majoferenc/demo-cicd-automation-app.git -> Change majoferenc to your GitHub username (ensure case sensitivity).

After making these changes, your forked repository should be configured for your personal use with updated GitHub and DockerHub references.

CLI tools via NixOS

We can install them via NixOS configuration, which is already prepared in this repository in a format of shell.nix. To start with the installation don't forget to clone this repo first and navigate inside it before starting the installation, otherwise the shell.nix file will be not recognized and the CLI tools will be not installed.

git clone<your-username>/demo-cicd-automation-app.git
cd demo-cicd-automation-app

We will install following CLI tools:

  • Argo: Argo is a workflow management tool designed to execute complex workflows on Kubernetes.
  • Argo CD: Argo CD is a GitOps continuous delivery tool that ensures applications are configured correctly in Kubernetes clusters.
  • Helm: Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the process of managing and deploying applications.
  • kubectl: kubectl is the command-line interface for interacting with Kubernetes clusters.
  • k9s: k9s is a powerful Kubernetes CLI that provides a more intuitive way to manage and monitor Kubernetes clusters.
  • kubens: kubens is a utility that allows users to switch between Kubernetes namespaces quickly.
  • kubectx: kubectx is a tool for managing and switching between Kubernetes contexts with ease.
  • Docker: Docker is a platform for building, sharing, and running containerized applications.
  • Neovim: Neovim is a highly extensible text editor that aims to improve upon the functionality of Vim.
  • jq: jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor that allows for easy manipulation and extraction of JSON data.
  • mktemp: mktemp is a command-line utility used to create temporary files securely.
  • yq (yamlq): yq is a command-line YAML processor and JSON converter that provides a simple way to query and manipulate YAML documents.
  • Argo CD Autopilot: Argo CD Autopilot is an automated continuous deployment solution for Kubernetes applications, built on top of Argo CD.
  • Taskfile: Modern Makefile alternative for executing commands locally and remotely written in a popular yaml format.
  • Ngrok: A tool for creating secure tunnels to localhost, enabling public access to locally hosted services during development or testing.

Via NixOS:

curl -L | sh

During the Nix installation you will need to follow on screeen instructions to complete the setup. After that you can run Nix shell:


Don't forget that every time you want to active nix shell and work with task commands in this repo you need to execute following:

cd demo-cicd-automation-app

To stop using installed packages, just type exit command and your Nix session will stop. Search for more packages on to try them out.

After the workshop to free up Nix storage:

task clear_nix

Setup local k8s cluster (Only if you don't have existing one)

Windows Only:

  • Forward cluster to WSL via: Preferences -> WSL -> Integrations -> Ubuntu Rancher Desktop Forward K8s
  • Enable networking tunnel (You need to have latest Rancher Desktop install for this feature to work properly) Rancher Desktop Networking Tunnel

Activate Rancher K8s Cluster Context (Only if you don't have existing one)

To work with local Rancher Desktop K8s cluster please execute following command:

kubectx rancher-desktop

Troubleshoot Rancher K8s connection (WSL only)

When working with Rancher Desktop in WSL, if kubectx fails to find the context for Rancher Desktop or kubectl commands are timeouting, you may need to manually copy the configuration from the Windows user's .kube/config file (typically located at C:\Users\[user]\.kube\config) to the .kube/config file for the WSL user.

You'll need to copy the cluster configuration, user configuration, and context configuration for Rancher Desktop. Since the IP address of the cluster might change upon Rancher Desktop restart, you may need to update the server address in the .kube/context file after each environment restart.

Example configuration snippet:

  - name: rancher-desktop

Remember to update the server address to

Install Argo Workflows into the cluster

task install_argowfl

Install Argo Events

task install_argoevents

Install Argo CD into the cluster

task install_argocd

Setup Docker Hub credentials

export REGISTRY_USER='your-username'
export REGISTRY_PASSWORD='your-password'
export REGISTRY_EMAIL='your-email'

task setup_docker_creds

Setup Github Credentials

export GIT_ACCESS_TOKEN='your-access-token'
task create_github_creds

Access Argo Workflow UI

The Argo Workflow UI can be accessed in two possible ways:

Either you can create the NodePort service to make the Argo Workflow UI available permanently on your machine by applying the configuration file:

kubectl create -f .argo/argo-nodeport-svc.yaml

After applying the resource, then the Argo Workflow UI will be available on the specified NodePort: https://localhost:32009

Or you can start the port-forward task, to make Argo Workflow UI available temporarily:

task argowfl

Then the Argo Workflow UI is accessible at https://localhost:2746

Deploying Argo Workflow CI pipeline

Accessing Argo Workflow depends on your previous configuration.

If you use port-forward option, access the UI at https://localhost:2746

If you use NodePort service, access the UI at https://localhost:32009

You can find and apply workflow config at .argo/workflow.yaml

Argo Workflow

Access ArgoCD UI

You can find and apply application config at .argo/application.yaml

The ArgoCD UI can be accessed in two possible ways:

Either you can create the NodePort service to make the ArgoCD UI available permanently on your machine by applying the configuration file:

kubectl create -f .argo/argocd-nodeport-svc.yaml

After applying the resource, then the ArgoCD UI will be available on the specified NodePort: https://localhost:32008

Or you can start the port-forward task, to make ArgoCD UI available temporarily:

task argocdui

Then the ArgoCD UI is accessible at https://localhost:8080

Login credentials:

ArgoCD credentials: username: admin password: output of argocd_pass

In your browser open: https://localhost:8080

Argo CD

Create ArgoCD app

To view or create the ArgoCD application, access the ArgoCD UI. Follow previous section (Access ArgoCD UI) if necessary.

Deploy ArgoCD deployment configuration

Don't forget to port forward first via task argocdui if the forwarding process is not running already.

argocd login localhost:8080 
argocd app create cicd-automation-demo --repo  --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace default  --path chart

Configure GitHub Webhook tunnel (To be checked)

Target Schema

Create Free Ngrok account:

Now obtain Ngrok Access Token:

export NGROK_ACC_TOKEN=<your-token>
ngrok config add-authtoken $NGROK_ACC_TOKEN
task webhook_tunnel

Don't forget to inject generated Ngrok Public URL into github Argo Event Source .argo/git_event_source.yaml and apply the changes.

kind: EventSource
  name: github
    eventsource-name: github          # event source name
    example:                   # event name
        - owner: <git hub user name>
            - <name of the repo 1>
            - <name of the repo 2>
        endpoint: /example
        port: "12000"
        method: POST
        url: <url that is generated by ngrok>
        - "*"
        name: github-access
        key: token
      insecure: true
      active: true
      contentType: json

Create GitHub Webhook: GitHub Webhook

After that you can apply the manifests:

  • .argo/git_event_source.yaml
  • .argo/sensor.yaml
  • .argo/webhook-eventsource.svc.yaml
  • .argo/eventbus.yaml

Try to commit new changes into your main branch.

ArgoCD Notifications

Replace default configmap config argocd-notifications-cm in argocd namespace with content of:

  • .argo/argocd-notifications-cm.yaml

Create Slack Application

Copy Slack Token into secret argocd-notifications-secret as shown in file

  • argocd-notifications-secret.yaml

Slack Notifications


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  • Smarty 42.5%
  • Java 39.7%
  • Nix 12.2%
  • Dockerfile 5.6%