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Quick Start 3MS

moggieuk edited this page Feb 3, 2025 · 6 revisions

3MS Quickstart

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This quickstart guide explains how to install Happy Hare firmware for use with the 3MS modular multimaterial system.

#f03c15 #c5f015 #1589F0 Cloning Happy Hare Repo

First, download the Happy Hare repository onto your Raspberry Pi using the git tool. Log into your Raspberry Pi via SSH (PuTTy on Windows):


Replace klippy.local with your Raspberry Pi's hostname. If you use a different username than pi, replace pi with your custom username.

Now, clone the Happy Hare repository onto your Raspberry Pi:


K1 series users (K1, K1C, K1 Max, etc.) should instead perform the following steps (thank you @trandanhlam!):

  1. Upgrade Klipper using this guide .
  2. Upgrade Klipper Firmware using this guide and this firmware .
cd ~
git clone

Happy Hare is now downloaded onto your Raspberry Pi. The next step is installing it.

#f03c15 #c5f015 #1589F0 Running Installer

To install Happy Hare firmware, run the following commands on your Raspberry Pi through SSH:

cd ~/Happy-Hare
./ -i

This will open the interactive installer. You will be presented by several options, each of which are explained below.

1. MMU Type

This is the type of MMU you are setting up. In this case, it is a 3MS. Find it in the list, and type the number located next to it.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 5 56 31 PM

2. Number of Gates

The installer will then ask for the number of gates you have. This corresponds to how many filament units you have set up on your 3MS. Type the number and press enter.


In the screenshot below, three filament units are present, so the number 3 is entered.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 5 59 20 PM

3. Control Board

Next, the installer will ask which controller you are using. If your controller is in the list, type the number next to its name in the list, and press enter. If not, press the number next to Not in list / Unknown.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 6 02 14 PM

4. Serial Port

The installer will attempt to locate the serial port of your selected control board. If the displayed port is correct, type y and press enter. If not, type n and press enter.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 6 07 30 PM


If you're unsure about the serial port, open a new SSH window, unplug your controller board, and run:

ls /dev/serial/by-id

Next, plug in your controller board, and re-run the command. The newly added line is your controller's serial address.

5. LEDs

Choose whether or not you want LEDs enabled for your 3MS.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 6 10 05 PM

6. EndlessSpool

Choose whether or not you want Endless Spool to be enabled. This let Happy Hare automatically load another spool if your current spool runs out.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 6 11 08 PM

7. printer.cfg

This is usually set to y on new Happy Hare installations, and n on existing ones.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 6 11 56 PM

🎉 Happy Hare is successfully installed! If you selected one of the default control boards, you don't need to follow the rest of this guide. You can continue with configuration and calibrations here.

If you selected `Not in list / Unknown`, read on.

#f03c15 #c5f015 #1589F0 Configuration

If you aren't using one of the default Happy Hare provided control boards, you will have to select a 3MS-specific configuration for your control board.

Controller Configuration

First, open the folder located in the 3MS repository here. This folder contains several other folders, each with a consistent naming scheme. The naming scheme is as follows:

  1. MCU name:
    • MMU: external mainboard
    • MAIN: your printer's existing mainboard
  2. Tool numbers: The first number should be 0 for a new setup, or be one higher than your previous controller's last tool number if adding to an existing 3MS.
  3. Mainboard name: Specifies the controller model, e.g. btt_skr_pico.

Here are a few examples of this naming scheme:

MMU_0_3_btt_skr_pico: External SKR Pico controlling four tools numbered 0 to 3.

MMU_0_6_gtm32_103_v1: External GTM32 103 V1 controlling seven tools numbered 0 to 6.

MAIN_0_3_btt_octopus: Internal BTT Octopus controlling four tools numbered 0 to 3.


If you can't find a configuration for your control board on the 3MS repository, you can open an issue to get a configuration created for your control board.

Installing Configuration

Once you find your controller's configuration, open its folder. Inside there are two files:

  • mmu.cfg
  • mmu_hardware.cfg

If this is a NEW setup:

  1. Copy the online mmu.cfg

  2. Delete everything in your local mmu.cfg except your mcu configuration

  3. Paste below the mcu configuration

  4. Copy the online mmu_hardware.cfg

  5. Replace your gear section in your local mmu_hardware.cfg.

    The GEAR section starts with:

    # FILAMENT DRIVE GEAR STEPPER(S)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  ██████╗ ███████╗ █████╗ ██████╗ 
    # ██╔════╝ ██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗
    # ██║  ███╗█████╗  ███████║██████╔╝
    # ██║   ██║██╔══╝  ██╔══██║██╔══██╗
    # ╚██████╔╝███████╗██║  ██║██║  ██║
    #  ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝

    and ends right before:

    # SERVOS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ███████╗███████╗██████╗ ██╗   ██╗ ██████╗ ███████╗
    # ██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║   ██║██╔═══██╗██╔════╝
    # ███████╗█████╗  ██████╔╝██║   ██║██║   ██║███████╗
    # ╚════██║██╔══╝  ██╔══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝██║   ██║╚════██║
    # ███████║███████╗██║  ██║ ╚████╔╝ ╚██████╔╝███████║
    # ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝  ╚═══╝   ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝

For EXISTING setups (using more than one control board):

  1. Add the contents of the online mmu.cfg to your local mmu.cfg
  2. Add the contents of the online mmu_hardware.cfg to your local mmu_hardware.cfg's gear section.


You can continue with configuration and calibrations here

 1. Introduction
 2. Installation
 3. Essential Configuration
 4. Calibration
 5. Operation


 6. Slicer-MMU Setup


 7. Tuning
 8. Optional Feature Setup
 9. Advanced Configuration
 10. Advanced Concepts
11. Quick References

12. Troubleshooting
13. FAQ
14. MCU Board Reference 🆕
15. Change Log
Happy Hare Discord

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