Related Minetest forum thread:
Tool to maintain an APT repository of Minetest mods and games
This tool packages Minetest mods and games pulling from Git based repositories that are maintained by plugin authors.
Git repositories of upstream mod authors are scanned for changes and any changes detected will trigger a new package build.
Tested on: Debian Jessie 8.5
Install postgresql 9.3 using postgresql apt repo:
apt-get install git build-essential reprepro equivs
Also requires:
Bash / GNU Utils
Mybatis Migrations is used to manage the database creation scripts:
debmod Usage
The included bash scripts and are required and need to be located in the folder specified in the -build argument when calling debmod.
Usage of ./debmod:
-build="/tmp/bbb": base folder to use for builds
-buildmode="mods": Build mode can be mods, games, or meta
-compat="8": Package compatibility
-dbhost="localhost": Host location of PostgresSQL database.
-dbname="mmrepodb": Name of mmrepo databaes.
-dbport="5432": Port used by PostgresSQL database.
-dbpwd="xxxx": Password to connect to mmrepo database.
-dbuser="myuser": User to connect to mmrepo database.
-debhelper=">= 8.0.0": Version of Debhelper to put into control file
-deploy="/usr/share/games/minetest/mods": folder to install mod
-dist="wheezy": Debian distribution
-maintainer="myname <myemail>": Maintainer name and email
-pkg="mmod-zzz": desired package name
-repo="/var/opt/mmrepo": Path to APT repository
-source="/tmp/zzz": base folder containing source
If you pass mmod-zzz to the -pkg argument then debmod will package all mods defined in the database. When packaging mods you need to specify mods for the -buildmode argument which is the default.
If you pass mgame-zzz to the -pkg argument then debmod will package all subgames defined in the database. When packaging games you need to specify games for the -buildmode argument.
Scripts and show examples of calling debmod.
A collection of SQL scripts also are included that demonstrate how mods are added to the database.