The purpose of this document is to guide users to Deploy various Cloud Native Applications seamlessly onto an AKS cluster without explicitly containerizeing them! This also implied that now developers/archietcts coming from various domian and technology background, do not necessarily need to know te nitti-gritties of the Containers per seh for deploying their applications; but still can get the benefits of Kubernetes based of eco-sytem, its scaling, flexibility of application lifecycle management and resiliency!
We would use Azure Arc for Kubernetes as the service. This would help us to still work with our applications as-is on Cloud (App Services, Functions, Logic Apps, Message Brokers like EventGrid etc.) yet you can run it anywhere - be it on a Managed Cluster like AKS or an Un-managed cluster like CAPZ) Or K8s clusters on any other Cloud Or even K8s bare metal clusters.
This is in continuation to this [Article] where we had describe the same for deploying onto a CAPZ based Un-mnaged cluster
- Deep-dive on Azure Arc for K8s
- Create a Managed cluster - AKS
- Installs all Providers and Extensions needed by Azure Arc for K8s
- Creates and Deploys a Function App viz. Perform Zip built in .NetCore onto the AKS cluster
- Creates and Deploys a Logic App workflow viz. NotifyZipLA onto the AKS cluster
- Create an EventGrid Topic on Azure and Subscribes for any of the above services e.g. NotifyZipLA endpoint
- Push an event to EventGrid topic
- Check that the corresponding Logic App endpoint is fired!
- Deep-dive on AKS
- Deep-dive on Azure Arc
- Go thru the details of AKS cluster creation
- K8s Cluster can be anywhere - On-Prem, Azure or any other cloud
- Azure Arc enabled K8s Service sits on Azure and can connect all these clusters as a single control plane
- Azure Arc enabled agent makes outbound calls to push metadata information to Azure through Azure Arc enabled K8s Service
- Azure Arc enabled agent pulls information on Agent upgrade information and Configuration from Azure through Azure Arc enabled K8s Service
- Knowledge on Containers, Serverless Functions, Logic App - L200+
- Knowledge on K8s - L200+
- Knowledge on VSCode; Deploying applications through VSCode - L200+
- Some knowledge on Azure tools & services viz. Azure CLI, KeyVault, VNET etc. would help
- Contains all Infrastructure components and services of the AKS cluster
- AKS Cluster - the cluster itself
- Virtual Network and Subnets - Hosting AKS cluster Worker Nodes
- NSGs - for Worker Subnets
- Key Vault - for storing any application specific Secrewts
- Azure Container Registry (ACR) - Hosting Container images for alol applications to be deploed onto AKS cluster
- Contains all Infrastructure components and services of the AKS cluster
Contains Azure Arc components for K8s
- Establishes a connectivity to API Server running on AKS Control Plane (Master Node) and ensures Arc is managing the k8s cluster on Azure
Acts as the Target location for deploying application and Data service instances on the k8s cluster.
Each cluster would need one or more Custom Locations
Each CustomLocation can host multiple app and data instances
To be explained later in details
Enables configuration common to apps in the custom location
This is required before any apps are deployed onto the cluster
- Contains all microservices to be deployed onto K8s Cluster
- Zip Images
- ZipImagesArcApp
- A function app to Zip images uploaded in a blob - viz. bigimageblob
- The zipped images are then uploaded in another blob - viz. zippedimageblob
- NotifyZipArcLA
- Logic App to Read from the zippedimageblob Blob
- Send notification email to intended recipients with the above zipped image as an attachment
- aks-k8s-arc-cluster-ext-eg-evg-topic
- Event Grid Topic which subscribes to the Logic App
- Send zipped image names to the NotifyZipArcLA Logic App
- This should be treated as a flow outside the main function flow i.e. any zippied images uploaded manually to the zippedimageblob Blob should also be sent as a notification email to the recipients
- ZipImagesArcApp
- Validate OCR Images
- ValidateOCRArcApp
- A function app to validate number plate images uploaded to a blob - viz. ocrinfoblob
- The images are then sent to Azure Cognitive Service for a validation of the image - using OCR API
- The processed response is then placed in a queue - viz. ocrinfoqueue
- ProcessOCRImages
- A function app to process the OCR image response from the queue - ocrinfoqueue
- If the images are reasily readable by OCR API then it is moved to another Blob viz, approvedblob
- ValidateOCRArcApp
- Zip Images
- Contains all microservices to be deployed onto K8s Cluster
- cluster-connect is a reverse-proxy agent running on the CAPZ cluster, established a session with Azure Arc Service
- Any call to K8s API server would be forwarded to cluster-connect agent which passes the request to kube-aad-proxy
- kube-aad-proxy reforms Azure AD authentication and if successful forwards the request to API Server for the intended cluster
Set CLI variables for easy usage and reference
tenantId="<tenant_Id>" subscriptionId="<subscription_Id>" arcResourceGroup="arc-k8s-workshop-rg" aksResourceGroup="aks-k8s-rg" arcsvcResourceGroup="arc-services-rg" location="eastus" clusterName="aks-k8s-arc-cluster" version=<version> acrName=aksk8sacr acrId= aksVnetName=aks-k8s-vnet aksVnetPrefix= aksVnetId= aksSubnetName=aks-k8s-subnet aksSubnetPrefix= aksSubnetId= sysNodeSize="Standard_DS3_v2" sysNodeCount=3 maxSysPods=30 networkPlugin=azure networkPolicy=azure sysNodePoolName=arcsyspool vmSetType=VirtualMachineScaleSets addons=monitoring aadAdminGroupID=<aadAdminGroupID> aadTenantID==<aadTenantID? extensionName="$clusterName-ext-appsvc" extensionNamespace="$extensionName-ns" customLocationName="$clusterName-custom-location" connectedClusterName="arc-k8s-aks"
Login to Azure
az login --tenant $tenantId
Create Resource Groups as described in the Plan section
az group create -l eastus -n $aksResourceGroup az group create -l eastus -n $arcResourceGroup az group create -l eastus -n $arcsvcResourceGroup
Create Service Principal for CAPZ cluster
k8s-capz-sp - Name of the service principal
# Create service principal - aks-k8s-sp az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment -n https://aks-k8s-sp # Service Principal details { "appId": "<appId>", "displayName": "https://aks-k8s-sp", "name": "<name>", "password": "<password>", "tenant": "<tenantId>" }
Set Service Principal credentials as CLI variables
spAppId="<spAppId>" spPassword="<spPassword>"
Create Virtual Network and corresponding Subnet hosting the AKS cluster
az network vnet create -n $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --address-prefixes $aksVnetPrefix aksVnetId=$(az network vnet show -n $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $aksVnetId az network vnet subnet create -n $aksSubnetName --vnet-name $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --address-prefixes $aksSubnetPrefix aksSubnetId=$(az network vnet subnet show -n $aksSubnetName --vnet-name $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $aksSubnetId
Assign Role for Service Principal
Contributor access to the Subscription
# Create Role assignment - Contrubutor az role assignment create --assignee $spAppId --role "Contributor" --scope "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId"
Network Contributor access to the Virtual Network viz.
az role assignment create --assignee $spAppId --role "Network Contributor" --scope $aksVnetId
Monitoring Metrics Publisher access to the Resource Group for Arc resources viz. $arcResourceGroup
arcResourceGroupId=$(az group show -n $arcResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) az role assignment create --assignee $spAppId --role "Monitoring Metrics Publisher" --scope $arcResourceGroupId
Create AKS Cluster
az aks create --name $clusterName \ --resource-group $aksResourceGroup \ --kubernetes-version $version --location $location \ --vnet-subnet-id "$aksSubnetId" --enable-addons $addons \ --node-vm-size $sysNodeSize \ --node-count $sysNodeCount --max-pods $maxSysPods \ --service-principal $spAppId \ --client-secret $spPassword \ --network-plugin $networkPlugin --network-policy $networkPolicy \ --nodepool-name $sysNodePoolName --vm-set-type $vmSetType \ --generate-ssh-keys \ --enable-aad \ --aad-admin-group-object-ids $aadAdminGroupID \ --aad-tenant-id $aadTenantID \ --attach-acr $acrName
Connect to the Cluster
az aks get-credentials -g $aksResourceGroup --name $clusterName --admin --overwrite
Set Azure Arc Extension variables
connectedClusterName="arc-capz-k8s" customLocationName="$clusterName-custom-location" appsvcExtensionName="$clusterName-ext-appsvc" appsvcExtensionNamespace="$clusterName-appsvc-ns" appsvcKubeEnvironmentName="$clusterName-appsvc-kube"
Add connectedk8s extension to Azure CLI
az extension add --upgrade --yes --name connectedk8s az extension add --upgrade --yes --name k8s-extension az extension add --upgrade --yes --name customlocation az extension add --upgrade --yes -n appservice-kube
Register Providers as required by Azure Arc for K8s
# Register required Providers az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Kubernetes az provider register --namespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ExtendedLocation az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Web # Check Registration status of required Providers az provider show -n Microsoft.Kubernetes -o table az provider show -n Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration -o table az provider show -n Microsoft.ExtendedLocation -o table az provider show -n Microsoft.Web -o table
Deploy App Service Extension on the AKS cluster
az k8s-extension create \ --resource-group $arcResourceGroup \ --name $extensionName \ --cluster-type connectedClusters \ --cluster-name $connectedClusterName \ --extension-type 'Microsoft.Web.Appservice' \ --release-train stable \ --auto-upgrade-minor-version true \ --scope cluster \ --release-namespace $extensionNamespace \ --configuration-settings "Microsoft.CustomLocation.ServiceAccount=default" \ --configuration-settings "appsNamespace=${extensionNamespace}" \ --configuration-settings "clusterName=${extensionName}" \ --configuration-settings "keda.enabled=true" \ --configuration-settings "buildService.storageClassName=default" \ --configuration-settings "buildService.storageAccessMode=ReadWriteOnce" \ --configuration-settings "customConfigMap=${extensionNamespace}/kube-environment-config" \ --configuration-settings "${aksResourceGroup}"
Check the status of the App Service Extension creation
az k8s-extension show -c $connectedClusterName --cluster-type connectedClusters -n $appsvcExtensionName -g $arcResourceGroupName
- Different extensions for different Service types to be deployed on the K8s Cluster
- App Service Extension - Includes Web Apps/API Apps, Logic Apps, Function Apps
- EventGrid Extension - Supports EventGrid Topic deployment
- Data Service Extension - Supports deployment of SQL MI
- config-agent - Keeps track fo new or updated extension resources. Multiple extensions can be added on the same cluster with different versions
- extension-manager - Pulls Helm chart from Container Registry and deploys onto the K8s cluster
- Different extensions for different Service types to be deployed on the K8s Cluster
Retrieve the ExtensionId to be used in subsequent steps
extensionId=$(az k8s-extension show \ --cluster-type connectedClusters \ --cluster-name $connectedClusterName \ --resource-group $arcResourceGroupName \ --name $appsvcExtensionName \ --query id \ --output tsv) echo $extensionId # Check Pods created in teh extensionNamespace k get po -n $appsvcExtensionNamespace
Create CustomLocation with Azure Arc Connected Cluster
Every Application Services or Data Services would be deployed in the CustomLocation rather than an Azure Region/Location
This would ensure various types of application and data services can run together in same Arc Enabled Cluster
connectedClusterId=$(az connectedk8s show --resource-group $arcResourceGroupName --name $connectedClusterName --query id --output tsv) echo $connectedClusterId az customlocation create \ --resource-group $arcResourceGroupName \ --name $customLocationName \ --host-resource-id $connectedClusterId \ --namespace $appsvcExtensionNamespace \ --cluster-extension-ids $extensionId
- Target Location for all services
- As evident from the diagram - it is a layer around Azure Arc enabled K8s
- Ideally one custom location per k8s cluster
- Every allowed services on Azure Arc would be deployed to this Custom Location; instead of an Azure region
- Creates K8s ClusterRoleBindings and RoleBindings
- This will ensure that Azure Arc enabled K8s can deploy necessary resources viz. pods, services, replicates, statefulsets etc.) for the deployed application services i.e. API Apps, FunctionApps, Logic Apps etc.
Check the status of CustomLocation creation process
az customlocation show --resource-group $arcResourceGroupName --name $customLocationName
Retrieve the CustomLocationId to be used in subsequent steps
customLocationId=$(az customlocation show \ --resource-group $arcResourceGroupName \ --name $customLocationName \ --query id \ --output tsv) echo $customLocationId
Create App Service Kube Environment for the above CustomLocation
This is a collection of all App Service Plans and App Services
Please note that this is only needed for Application Services; for Data Services thsi would be performed by Data Controllers for Arc
az appservice kube create \ --resource-group $arcResourceGroupName \ --name $appsvcKubeEnvironmentName \ --custom-location $customLocationId
Check Kube Environment creation process
az appservice kube show \ --resource-group $arcResourceGroupName \ --name $appsvcKubeEnvironmentName
This is what we would like to achieve in this exercise on the Custom Location created above:
- Deploy a .NetCore Http triggerred Function App - ZipImagesArcApp
- Deploy a Locally developed Blob triggered Logic App - NotifyZipArcLA Logic App
- Deploy an EventGrid topic aks-k8s-arc-cluster-ext-eg-evg-topic
- Test
- Upload Images to the Blob -viz. bigimgeblob
- Call Http triggererd function Url of ZipImagesArcApp passing the arrya iof image names in the
- Push an event to EventGrid topic from PostMan or any other Rest client
- Check that the corresponding Subscription Endpoint (e.g. NotifyZipArcLA) is fired!
- This execise uses a simple Http Triggerred Azure Function in .NetCore - ZipImagesArcApp for this purpose. One can use any type of Azure Function of their choice
- Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio both have easy integration with Azure Resource management. Any other IDE with appropriate plugins can be used as well. This exercise would use VSCode as an option
- Open Function App root folder in Visual Studio Code
- Right Click and Deploy to Function App. Please note one can create the Function App in the portal and then manage deployment from VSCode
- VSCode would ask for a new App to be Created Or Deploy on an existing one
- The Target Location step is extremely important - should be the CustomLocation created in earlier steps
- Once the steps are completed, comeback to Azure CLI
- Check Deployments and/or Pods of the App Service Namespace in the K8s cluster. All Pods should be in the running state
- Go to Azure Portal and Check the Function App resource; in the Overview blade it will show up the Web API access URL
- Check the URL in the browser; use Postman or any REST client to call to test different paths of the Function App
- This execise uses a simple Http Triggerred Logic App Created Locally - NotifyZipArcLA for this purpose
- Few points to note here on the choice of Creation path to Azure and subsequent Deployment onto K8s cluster
- This Logic App type would be Standard and Stateful which is actually a Single Tenant Logic App; rather than the Consumption type Logic App which is Multi-Tenant Logic App
- Currently the best way to achieve a seamless experiene end-to-end is to Create and Deploy Logic App Standard, Stateful type from Visual Studio Code itself
- Not all triggers are available for Standard mode as of now
- This exercise uses a simple Blob trigger for demonstration
- Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio both have easy integration with Azure Resource management. Any other IDE with appropriate plugins can be used as well. This exercise would use VSCode as an option
- Open Logic App root folder in Visual Studio Code
- Right Click and Deploy to Logic App
- VSCode would ask for a new App to be Created Or Deploy on an existing one
- The Target Location step is extremely important - should be the CustomLocation created in earlier steps
- Once the steps are completed, comeback to Azure CLI
- Check Deployments and/or Pods of the App Service Namespace in the K8s cluster. All Pods should be in the running state
- Uplaod some blob images and check that the Logic App worlflow gets triggered
This exercise uses a simple Event Grid Topic - aks-k8s-arc-cluster-ext-eg-evg-topic for this purpose
Set local varibales in Azure CLI
evgExtensionName="$clusterName-ext-eg" evgExtensionNamespace="$clusterName-evg-ns" evgTopicName="$clusterName-egt" evgSubscriptionName="$clusterName-evg-sub"
Create Event Grid extension for Azure Arc on K8s
This step is easy to be done through portal as there are many config options -
Check the event Grid extension creation process
az k8s-extension show -c $connectedClusterName --cluster-type connectedClusters \ -n $evgExtensionName -g $arcK8sResourceGroup
Arc Enabled Services
Make sure to Select the EventGrid service from the dropdown before creating the EventGrid Topic - otherwise Topic creation would fail with Forbidden error; as it would not recognize the target deployment Location - which should be the Custom Location in the case
Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio both DONOT have integration with Azure Arc flavour for EventGrid as of now. So, creating the Topic in portal is the only option as of now
The Target Location step is extremely important - should be the CustomLocation created in earlier steps
Check Topic details
topicId=$(az eventgrid topic show --name $evgTopicName --resource-group $arcSvcResourceGroup --query id -o tsv) echo $topicId
Create Event Subscription for the above topic
az eventgrid event-subscription create --name $evgSubscriptionName --source-resource-id $topicId \ --endpoint <event_subscription_endpoint> # e.g. function app endpoint that we had created earlier
Check Deployments and/or Pods of the EventGrid Namespace in the K8s cluster. All Pods should be in the running state
k-capz get po -n $eventGridnamespace
Get EventGrid Endpoint details
eventGridEndpoint=$(az eventgrid topic show --name $evgTopicName -g $arcSvcResourceGroup --query "endpoint" --output tsv)
Get EventGrid Key details
eventGridKey=$(az eventgrid topic key list --name $evgTopicName -g $arcSvcResourceGroup --query "key1" --output tsv)
Following piece of code would be executed when a POST call is made for the /upload endpoint
- Send the EventGrid Endpoint in Http request header as key - ep; e.g. ep = ""
- Send the EventGrid Key in Http request header as key - key; e.g. key = ""
- Only supported Event Schema as of now - CloudEvent Schema; EventGrid Schema will not work currently!"/upload", async (request, response) => { try { const requestHeaders = request.headers; const evgHeaders = { "Content-Type": "application/cloudevents-batch+json", "aeg-sas-key": requestHeaders.key }; const config = { headers: evgHeaders }; const data = { "specversion": "1.0", "type" : "orderCreated", "source": "myCompanyName/us/webCommerceChannel/myOnlineCommerceSiteBrandName", "id" : "eventId-n", "time" : "2020-12-25T20:54:07+00:00", "subject" : "account/acct-123224/order/o-123456", "dataSchema" : "1.0", "data" : { "orderId" : "123892", "orderType" : "PO", "reference" : "" } }; const result = await, [data], config); console.log(result); response.send("PostAPIApp - " +; } catch(exception) { response.send("Error - " + exception.message); }
This in-turn calls the subscription endpoint; check if the PostMessageApp Function being called
- The same exercise would work for AKS cluster also almost as-is
- PersistentVolume Step through Helm chart would NOT be needed. AKS being a mangled Cluster - it would come-up with a set of Storage Classes
- Repository for this Source Code
Azure Arc Enabled K8s:
AppServices on K8s
EventGrid on K8s
DataServices on K8s