- K8s High Level Architecture
- AKS - High Level Architecture
- Service Mesh
- Purpose
- What to Accomplish
Service Mesh provides managing capabilities for the micro-services hosted in the Kubernetes cluster uniformly and decouples them from the Applications (Microservices) layer.
This makes it a great tool for Infrastructure architects as well as Developer architects easily Manage, Observe and Secure the cluster
Some Service Mesh can have its own Ingress Controller or Gateway - viz. Istio
- Istio works in both ways
- This workshop rather use Istio's own Gateway rather than requiring an existing one
Some Service Mesh might be dependent on existing Ingress Gateway - viz. Linkerd
- Thsi workshop would use Linkerd with Nginx Ingress controller
Observability - Monitor applications hosted inside the cluster
Traffic Splitting - Split Ingress Traffic to different versions of an API. Helps perform - Blue/Green Deployment, A/B Testing, Fault Injection
Distributed Tracing - Trace/Compare Service to Service calls with visualisation
Circuit Breaking - Limit impact of failures due to uncertainty in Network and make services resilient
- Complexity - More complex for simple requirements
- Resource Overhead - Additional components needs additional resources - CPU, Memory
- Additional Latency - Proxies, Policy checks adds latency; so might be a challenge for highly latency sensitive applications
- A view of Service Mesh technology
- Insights into the features/benefits it provides
- No preference on particular tools/resource - open discussion
- Istio/Linkerd is used just as a medium of comunication
- Provide a hands-on experience
Azure CLI
VSCode (preferred)
Github client
Any form of K8s Cluster. AKS is used here as an example
git clone https://github.com/monojit18/ServiceMeshWorkshop
tenantId="" subscriptionId="" location="eastus" clusterName="primary-mesh-cluster" version="1.20.9" aksResourceGroup="primary-workshop-rg" acrName="<acr-Name>" spDisplayName="http://service-mesh-aks-cluster-sp" aksVnetName="primary-cluster-vnet" aksVnetPrefix="" aksVnetId= aksSubnetName="primary-cluster-subnet" aksSubnetPrefix="" aksSubnetId= aksServicePrefix="" dnsServiceIP="" sysNodeSize="Standard_DS2_v2" sysNodeCount=3 maxSysPods=30 networkPlugin=azure networkPolicy=azure sysNodePoolName=akssyspool vmSetType=VirtualMachineScaleSets addons=monitoring baseFolderPath=""
#Login to Azure az login --tenant $tenantId #Check Selected Subscription az account show #Set appropriate Subscription, if needed #az account set -s $subscriptionId
#Create Resource Group for AKS workloads az group create -n $aksResourceGroup -l $location
#Create Service Principal az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment -n $spDisplayName { "appId": "", "displayName": "", "name": "", "password": "", "tenant": "" } #Set Service Principal variables spAppId="" spPassword=""
#Deploy Virtual Network az network vnet create -n $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --address-prefixes $aksVnetPrefix aksVnetId=$(az network vnet show -n $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $aksVnetId
#Deploy AKS Subnet inside the Virtual Network az network vnet subnet create -n $aksSubnetName --vnet-name $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --address-prefixes $aksSubnetPrefix aksSubnetId=$(az network vnet subnet show -n $aksSubnetName --vnet-name $aksVnetName -g $aksResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $aksSubnetId #Assign Role to the Virtual Network az role assignment create --assignee $spAppId --role "Network Contributor" --scope $aksVnetId
#Deploy ACR az acr create -n $acrName -g $aksResourceGroup --sku STANDARD --admin-enabled false acrId=$(az acr show -n $acrName -g $aksResourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv) echo $acrId #Assign Role to Service Principal for the ACR az role assignment create --assignee $spAppId --role "AcrPull" --scope $acrId
#Create Public AKS cluster az aks create --name $clusterName \ --resource-group $aksResourceGroup \ --kubernetes-version $version --location $location \ --vnet-subnet-id "$aksSubnetId" --enable-addons $addons \ --service-cidr $aksServicePrefix --dns-service-ip $dnsServiceIP \ --node-vm-size $sysNodeSize \ --node-count $sysNodeCount --max-pods $maxSysPods \ --service-principal $spAppId \ --client-secret $spPassword \ --network-plugin $networkPlugin --network-policy $networkPolicy \ --nodepool-name $sysNodePoolName --vm-set-type $vmSetType \ --generate-ssh-keys \ --disable-rbac \ --attach-acr $acrName
#Follow similar steps as Primary #Create AKS Cluster from CLI or Portal
primaryResourceGroup=$aksResourceGroup primaryClusterName=$clusterName secondaryResourceGroup="secondary-workshop-rg" secondaryClusterName="secondary-mesh-cluster" primaryAcrName=$acrName helmPath="./AKS/Helm" istioPath="./Istio"
#Set Env Variable for Primary Cluster #This helps to switch context easily between multiple clusters export CTX_CLUSTER1=primary #Connect to Public AKS Cluster with Primary Context az aks get-credentials -g $aksResourceGroup -n $clusterName --context $CTX_CLUSTER1 #Additional helpful commands #Switch context between multiple clusters kubectl config use-context <context>
#Download Istio binary curl -L https://istio.io/downloadIstio | sh - #Download specific version of Istio viz. 1.11.3 curl -L https://istio.io/downloadIstio | ISTIO_VERSION=1.11.3 TARGET_ARCH=x86_64 sh - #The istioctl client binary in the bin/ directory #Add the istioctl client to your path (Linux or macOS): export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
kubectl get no --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 kubectl get ns --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1
#Create namespaces for Istio kubectl create namespace istio-system --context $CTX_CLUSTER1 kubectl create namespace primary --context $CTX_CLUSTER1
#Install Istio CLI #Select Default Istio Profile settings #Ingress Gateway with Public IP Address istioctl install --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 --set profile=default -y #Install Istio with custom configurations #Ingress Gateway with Privae IP Address #Another Publicly exposed LoadBalancer Service(L7) would be needed to access this Private IP istioctl install --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 -f $istioPath/Components/values-primary.yaml -y #Following link describes - how to configure Application Gateway with AKS cluster #This need to be used if Ingress Gateway is having Private IP https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-gateway/configuration-http-settings
#Inject Istio into primary namespace #Ensures sidecar container to be added for every deployment in this namespace kubectl label namespace primary istio-injection=enabled --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Disable sidecar injection from primary namespace #kubectl label namespace primary istio-injection=disabled --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1
#Install Istio Addons #This primarily installs all dependencies for observability by Istio viz. Grafana, Kiali dashboard etc. kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Components/samples/addons --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Check rollout status of the Kiali deployment - usually takes sometime kubectl rollout status deployment/kiali -n istio-system #Launch Kiali as background process istioctl dashboard kiali& #Might need to Press CTRL+C to allow the job to continue in teh background #Bring job to foreground - fg [<job-number>] #Check Deployments within istio-system #Istio Ingress gateway with public or private IP kubectl get svc -n istio-system
#Install BookInfo app onto the cluster kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/BookInfo/bookinfo.yaml -n primary #Check Deployed Components kubectl get svc -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 kubectl get pods -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Quick check to test BookInfo app podName=$(kubectl get pod -l app=ratings -n primary -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') kubectl exec $podName -n primary -c ratings -- curl -sS productpage:9080/productpage | grep -o "<title>.*</title>"
#Need a Gateway to expose the service outside #Check Routing definitions #Replace <dns-name> kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/primary-gateway.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Get GATEWAY_URL kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http2")].port}') export SECURE_INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="https")].port}') #Call services using GATEWAY_URL export GATEWAY_URL=$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT echo "$GATEWAY_URL" #Try the follwoing URL in the Browser or do a cUrl curl http://$GATEWAY_URL/product
#Need a Gateway to expose the Kiali service outside #Check Routing definitions #Replace <dns-name> kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/kiali-gateway.yaml -n istio-system --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Launch Kiali in the browser http://$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT/ #If used with Applicagtion Gateway then use appropriate Host header in Http Settings
#Create aks-workshop-dev namespace kubectl create ns aks-workshop-dev --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Inject Istio into aks-workshop-dev namespace #Ensures sidecar container to be added for every deployment in this namespace kubectl label namespace aks-workshop-dev istio-injection=enabled --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Disable sidecar injection from aks-workshop-dev namespace #kubectl label namespace aks-workshop-dev istio-injection=disabled --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Deploy backend Mongo DB as container kubectl create ns db --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm search repo bitnami helm install ratingsdb bitnami/mongodb -n db \ --set auth.username=ratingsuser,auth.password=ratingspwd,auth.database=ratingsdb \ --set controller.nodeSelector.agentpool=$sysNodePoolName \ --set controller.defaultBackend.nodeSelector.agentpool=$sysNodePoolName #Remove backend Mongo DB container #helm uninstall ratingsdb #RatingsApi - Ratings API backend #Clone/Fork/Download Souerce code https://github.com/monojit18/mslearn-aks-workshop-ratings-api.git #CD to the director where Dockerfile exists #This docker build but performed in a Cloud Agent(VM) by ACR az acr build -t $acrName.azurecr.io/ratings-api:v1.0.0 -r $acrName . kubectl create secret generic aks-workshop-mongo-secret -n aks-workshop-dev --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 \ --from-literal=MONGOCONNECTION="mongodb://ratingsuser:[email protected]:27017/ratingsdb" #Change <acrName> in the $helmPath/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml #Change <agentpool> in the $helmPath/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml helm install ratingsapi-chart -n aks-workshop-dev $helmPath/ratingsapi-chart/ -f $helmPath/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml helm upgrade ratingsapi-chart -n aks-workshop-dev $helmPath/ratingsapi-chart/ -f $helmPath/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml #Remove RatinsgAPI app #helm uninstall ratingsapi-chart -n aks-workshop-dev #RatingsWeb - Ratings App Frontend =================================== #Clone/Fork/Download Souerce code https://github.com/monojit18/mslearn-aks-workshop-ratings-web.git #CD to the director where Dockerfile exists #This docker build but performed in a Cloud Agent(VM) by ACR az acr build -t $acrName.azurecr.io/ratings-web:v1.0.0 -r $acrName . #Change <acrName> in the $helmPath/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml #Change <agentpool> in the $helmPath/ratingsapi-chart/values-dev.yaml helm install ratingsweb-chart -n aks-workshop-dev $helmPath/ratingsweb-chart/ -f $helmPath/ratingsweb-chart/values-dev.yaml helm upgrade ratingsweb-chart -n aks-workshop-dev $helmPath/ratingsweb-chart/ -f $helmPath/ratingsweb-chart/values-dev.yaml #helm uninstall ratingsweb-chart -n aks-workshop-dev #Need a Gateway to expose the service outside #Check Routing definitions kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/ratingsweb-gateway.yaml -n aks-workshop-dev --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #If used with Applicagtion Gateway then use appropriate Host header in Http Settings
Single Gateway can contain multiple hosts
Scoped to a Namespace
Single Virtual Service can be mapped with multiple Gateways
Single Virtual Service can contain multiple hosts
Scoped to a Namespace
Defines Policies to traffic post Routing
LoadBalancing, Connection Pool, Outlier
Scoped to a Namespace
#Traffic Shifting kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/HelloWorld/helloworld-app.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 kubectl get po -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Check Routing definitions kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/primary-gateway.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Destination Rule kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/helloworld-destination-rule.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/HelloWorld/helloworld-app-v2.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 kubectl get po -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Check Routing behaviour #UNCOMMENT: Test Traffic Shifting #Update Primary Gateway Routes - Change Traffic weight kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/primary-gateway.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Destination Rule kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/helloworld-destination-rule.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Check Routing behaviour again
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: ratingsfault-virtual-service spec: hosts: - ratings http: #Inject Fault - fault: #Introduce Delay #Product APIs would throw timeout error delay: #50% of the calls would be delayed by 7 seconds percentage: value: 50.0 #Reduce delay to see change in behaviour of the app fixedDelay: 7s route: - destination: host: ratings subset: v1
#Fault Injection #Deploy Fault in Ratinsg API kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Network/ratingsfault-virtual-service.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Check Comments in the file #Introduce Delay #Check Routing behaviour
#Introduce Fix kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/reviewsfix-virtual-service.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Check Comments in the file #Check Routing behaviour
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: reviewsfix-virtual-service spec: hosts: - reviews http: - route: - destination: host: reviews subset: v1 weight: 50 #Route 50% of the Traffic to v3 #v3 has the fix with a timeout value of 2.5 seconds - destination: host: reviews subset: v3 weight: 50
#Blue/Green #Deploy PodInfo Blue kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/BlueGreen/podinfo-blue.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Check Routing definitions kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/primary-gateway.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Destination Rule kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/podinfo-destination-rule.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Deploy PodInfo green kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/BlueGreen/podinfo-green.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Check Routing behaviour #UNCOMMENT: Test Blue/Green #Update Primary Gateway Routes - Change Traffic weight kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/primary-gateway.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Destination Rule kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/podinfo-destination-rule.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Check Routing behaviour again
#Circuit Breaker #Deploy HttpBin App kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/HttpBin/httpbin.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/httpbin-gateway.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Deploy HttpBin Destination Rule kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/httpbin-destination-rule.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Check Routing behaviour #UNCOMMENT: Test Circuit Breaking kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/primary-gateway.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Generate Load - e.g. JMeter or Fortio or any other Laod Testing client #Deploy Fortio client kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/HttpBin/sample-client/fortio-deploy.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Make calls from Fortio client export FORTIO_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l app=fortio -o 'jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.name}') kubectl exec "$FORTIO_POD" -c fortio -- /usr/bin/fortio curl -quiet http://httpbin:8000/get #Check Routing behaviour #Observer many calls being failed and circuit is broken and joined automatically #Change parameters in the $istioPath/Examples/Networking/httpbin-destination-rule.yaml file #Play around and see the chnage in the behaviour
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: httpbin spec: host: httpbin trafficPolicy: connectionPool: tcp: maxConnections: 1 http: http1MaxPendingRequests: 1 maxRequestsPerConnection: 1 outlierDetection: consecutive5xxErrors: 1 interval: 1s baseEjectionTime: 3m maxEjectionPercent: 100 EOF
#Service Mirroring or Shadowing #Create Secondary Cluster - CLI or Portal export CTX_CLUSTER2=secondary #Connect to Public AKS Cluster with Primary Context az aks get-credentials -g $primaryResourceGroup -n $secondaryClusterName --context $CTX_CLUSTER2 kubectl config use-context $CTX_CLUSTER2 #Check Cluster Health - Secondary kubectl get no --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 kubectl get ns --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 kubectl create namespace istio-system --context $CTX_CLUSTER2 kubectl create namespace secondary --context $CTX_CLUSTER2 #Install Istio CLI #Select Default Istio Profile settings #Ingress Gateway with Public IP Address istioctl install --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 --set profile=default -y #Install Istio with custom configurations #Ingress Gateway with Privae IP Address #Another Publicly exposed LoadBalancer Service(L7) would be needed to access this Private IP istioctl install --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 -f $istioPath/Components/values-secondary.yaml -y #Inject Istio into Secondary namespace of the cluster #This ensures sidecar container to be added for every deployment in this namespace kubectl label namespace secondary istio-injection=enabled --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 #Install Istio Addons #This primarily installs all dependencies for observability by Istio viz. Grafana, Kiali dashboard etc. kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Components/samples/addons --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http2")].port}') export SECURE_INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="https")].port}') export GATEWAY_URL2=$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT echo "$GATEWAY_URL2" kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/HelloWorld/helloworld-app-v2.yaml -n secondary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 kubectl get po -n secondary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 #Need a Gateway to expose the service outside #Check Routing definitions #Replace <dns-name> kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/secondary-gateway.yaml -n secondary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 #Destination Rule kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/helloworld-v2-destination-rule.yaml -n secondary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 kubectl get svc -n secondary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 kubectl describe svc -n secondary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 kubectl get svc -A --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2
#Switch to the Primary Cluster kubectl config use-context $CTX_CLUSTER1 #Check Routing definitions kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/primary-gateway.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Deploy components so that Mirroring can work #Replace <dns-name> kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/primary-serviceentry.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Destination Rule #Replace <dns-name> kubectl apply -f $istioPath/Examples/Networking/helloworld-destination-rule.yaml -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 kubectl get svc -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 kubectl describe svc -n primary --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 kubectl get svc -A --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Call helloworld-v1 #Observe that all calls being replicated to helloworld-v2 of secondary cluster
#Cleanup #Uninstall Istio setup - primary cluster istioctl x uninstall --set profile=default --purge --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 kubectl delete namespace istio-system --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 #Uninstall Istio setup - secondary cluster istioctl x uninstall --set profile=default --purge --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2 kubectl delete namespace istio-system --context=$CTX_CLUSTER2
linkerdResourceGroup="secondary-workshop-rg" linkerdClusterName="secondary-mesh-cluster" linkerdAcrName="scdmeshacr" linkerdIngressName="linkerd-ing" linkerdIngressNSName="$linkerdIngressName-ns" linkerdIngressDeployName="" linkerdSysNodePoolName="agentpool" helmPath="./AKS/Helm" linkerdPath="./Linkerd"
#Connect to Secondary Cluster - CLI or Portal export CTX_CLUSTER2=secondary kubectl config use-context $CTX_CLUSTER
#Install Nginx Ingress Controller #Create Ingress Namespace kubectl create namespace $linkerdIngressNSName kubectl label namespace $linkerdIngressNSName name=$linkerdIngressNSName #Install nginx using Helm helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx helm repo update #Install Nginx Ingress controller helm install $linkerdIngressName ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace $linkerdIngressNSName \ --set controller.nodeSelector.agentpool=$linkerdSysNodePoolName \ --set controller.defaultBackend.nodeSelector.agentpool=$linkerdSysNodePoolName \ #UNCOMMENT: Install Nginx Ingress controller as an Internal LoadBalancer - Private IP Address #IMPORTANT: #--set controller.service.loadBalancerIP=$backendIpAddress \ #--set controller.service.annotations.'service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal-subnet'=$aksIngressSubnetName
helm create ingress-chart helm install ingress-chart -n secondary $helmPath/ingress-chart/ -f $helmPath/ingress-chart/values-dev.yaml helm upgrade ingress-chart -n secondary $helmPath/ingress-chart/ -f $helmPath/ingress-chart/values-dev.yaml #UnInstall ingress #helm uninstall ingress-chart -n secondary
export LINKERD2_VERSION=stable-2.10.0 curl -sL https://run.linkerd.io/install | sh linkerd check --pre linkerd version linkerd install | kubectl apply -f - linkerd check Install Viz for Linkerd ========================= linkerd viz install | kubectl apply -f - linkerd check linkerd viz dashboard& Install Jaeger for Linkerd =========================== linkerd jaeger install | kubectl apply -f - linkerd jaeger check linkerd jaeger dashboard&
Inject Linkerd into Ingress Cntroller ======================================= kubectl -n $linkerdIngressNSName get deploy/$linkerdIngressDeployName -o yaml | linkerd inject --ingress - | kubectl apply -f - Inject Linkerd into Namespaces ================================ kubectl get deploy -n secondary -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f - linkerd viz dashboard&
k create ns emojivoto kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=emojivoto #Deploy Ingress kubectl apply -f $linkerdPath/Examples/EmojiVoto/emojivoto-ingress.yaml kubectl apply -f $linkerdPath/Examples/EmojiVoto/emojivoto.yaml #Inject Linkerd into emojivoto namespace kubectl get deploy -n emojivoto -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f - #Display Linkerd dashboard as a background service linkerd viz dashboard& #Split Traffic kubectl apply -f $linkerdPath/Examples/EmojiVoto/emojivoto-traffic-split.yaml #UNCOMMENT: Test Traffic Shifting #Modify Traffic weight kubectl apply -f $linkerdPath/Examples/EmojiVoto/emojivoto-traffic-split.yaml #Check Routing behaviour
apiVersion: split.smi-spec.io/v1alpha1 kind: TrafficSplit metadata: name: emojivoto-split namespace: emojivoto spec: service: web-svc backends: - service: web-svc weight: 100 #UNCOMMENT: Test Traffic Shifting # - service: web-svc-v12 # weight: 0
k create ns test kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=test #Deploy frontend-blue app kubectl apply -f $linkerdPath/Examples/BlueGreen/frontend-blue.yaml #Deploy frontend-green app kubectl apply -f $linkerdPath/Examples/BlueGreen/frontend-green.yaml #Deploy Ingress kubectl apply -f $linkerdPath/Examples/BlueGreen/frontend-ingress.yaml #Check Comments #Inject Linkerd into test namespace kubectl get deploy -n test -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f - #Display Linkerd dashboard as a background service linkerd viz dashboard& #Split Traffic kubectl apply -f $linkerdPath/Examples/BlueGreen/frontend-traffic-split.yaml #UNCOMMENT: Test Traffic Shifting #Modify Traffic weight kubectl apply -f $linkerdPath/Examples/EmojiVoto/frontend-traffic-split.yaml #Check Routing behaviour
#Deploy backend DB as container kubectl create ns db --context=$CTX_CLUSTER1 helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm search repo bitnami helm install ratingsdb bitnami/mongodb:4.4.10 -n db \ --set auth.username=ratingsuser,auth.password=ratingspwd,auth.database=ratingsdb \ --set controller.nodeSelector.agentpool=agentpool \ --set controller.defaultBackend.nodeSelector.agentpool=agentpool
kubectl -n emojivoto set env --all deploy OC_AGENT_HOST=collector.linkerd-jaeger:55678 for ((i=1;i<=100;i++)); do curl -kubectl "https://emojivoto.domain.com/api/list"; done
- Extensible
Allows uniformly manage, secure microservices
Demo that we are planning to build on AKS
AKS Add-on for OSM
OSM Features
tenantId="" subscriptionId="" location="eastus" clusterName="aks-train-mesh-cluster" version="" aksResourceGroup="aks-train-rg" acrName="<acr-Name>" osmFolderPath="<osm-folder-path-in-repo>"
az aks get-credentials -g $aksResourceGroup --name $clusterName --admin --overwrite
osm install \ --set=OpenServiceMesh.enablePermissiveTrafficPolicy=false \ --set=OpenServiceMesh.deployPrometheus=true \ --set=OpenServiceMesh.deployGrafana=true \ --set=OpenServiceMesh.deployJaeger=true
kubectl create namespace bookstore kubectl create namespace bookbuyer kubectl create namespace bookthief kubectl create namespace bookwarehouse
osm namespace add bookstore osm namespace add bookbuyer osm namespace add bookthief osm namespace add bookwarehouse
osm metrics enable --namespace bookstore osm metrics enable --namespace bookbuyer osm metrics enable --namespace bookthief osm metrics enable --namespace bookwarehouse
#bookbuyer az acr import -n $acrName --source docker.io/openservicemesh/bookbuyer:v0.11.1 -t bookbuyer:v0.11.1 #bookstore az acr import -n $acrName --source docker.io/openservicemesh/bookstore:v0.11.1 -t bookstore:v0.11.1 #bookthief az acr import -n $acrName --source docker.io/openservicemesh/bookthief:v0.11.1 -t bookthief:v0.11.1 #bookwarehouse az acr import -n $acrName --source docker.io/openservicemesh/bookwarehouse:v0.11.1 -t bookwarehouse:v0.11.1
#Deploy bookbuyer kubectl apply -f $osmfolderPath/yamls/bookbuyer.yaml #Deploy bookstore kubectl apply -f $osmfolderPath/yamls/bookstore.yaml #Deploy bookthief kubectl apply -f $osmfolderPath/yamls/bookthief.yaml #Deploy bookwarehouse kubectl apply -f $osmfolderPath/yamls/bookwarehouse.yaml
kubectl get deployments -n bookbuyer kubectl get deployments -n bookthief kubectl get deployments -n bookstore kubectl get deployments -n bookwarehouse kubectl get pods -n bookbuyer kubectl get pods -n bookthief kubectl get pods -n bookstore kubectl get pods -n bookwarehouse kubectl get services -n bookstore kubectl get services -n bookwarehouse kubectl get endpoints -n bookstore kubectl get endpoints -n bookwarehouse
kubectl get meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n osm-system -o yaml
#Create namespace for Nginx Ingress kubectl create ns osm-nginx-ingess-ns #Install Nginx Ingress controller helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx helm repo update helm install osm-nginx-ingess ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace osm-nginx-ingess-ns \ --set controller.nodeSelector.agentpool=agentpool \ --set controller.defaultBackend.nodeSelector.agentpool=agentpool
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: osm-ingress namespace: bookstore annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: / spec: # tls: # - hosts: # - store.<dns-name> # secretName: osm-tls-secret rules: - host: store.<dns-name> http: paths: - path: /store pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: bookstore port: number: 14001 --- kind: IngressBackend apiVersion: policy.openservicemesh.io/v1alpha1 metadata: name: bookstore-backend namespace: bookstore spec: backends: - name: bookstore port: number: 14001 protocol: http sources: - kind: Service namespace: osm-nginx-ingess-ns name: osm-nginx-ingess-ingress-nginx-controller
#Run BookThief as background service ./$osmFolderPath/osm/scripts/port-forward-bookthief-ui.sh & #Open BookThief page in browser http://localhost:8083/
#Run BookBuyer as background service ./$osmFolderPath/osm/scripts/port-forward-bookbuyer-ui.sh & #Open BookBuyer page in browser http://localhost:8080/
Check that services are Not working
- Allows traffic between services within the Mesh
kind: TrafficTarget apiVersion: access.smi-spec.io/v1alpha3 metadata: name: bookstore namespace: bookstore spec: destination: kind: ServiceAccount name: bookstore namespace: bookstore rules: - kind: HTTPRouteGroup name: bookstore-service-routes matches: - buy-a-book - books-bought sources: - kind: ServiceAccount name: bookbuyer namespace: bookbuyer - kind: ServiceAccount name: bookthief namespace: bookthief --- apiVersion: specs.smi-spec.io/v1alpha4 kind: HTTPRouteGroup metadata: name: bookstore-service-routes namespace: bookstore spec: matches: - name: books-bought pathRegex: /books-bought methods: - GET headers: - "user-agent": ".*-http-client/*.*" - "client-app": "bookbuyer" - name: buy-a-book pathRegex: ".*a-book.*new" methods: - GET
kubectl apply -f $osmFolderPath/yamls/traffic-access.yaml
- Check Traffic starts flowing through
kubectl apply -f $osmFolderPath/yamls/bookstore-v2.yaml
Split traffic between Two versions of BookStore service - 50/50
kubectl apply -f $osmFolderPath/yamls/traffic-split-50-50.yaml
apiVersion: split.smi-spec.io/v1alpha2 kind: TrafficSplit metadata: name: bookstore-split namespace: bookstore spec: service: bookstore.bookstore # <root-service>.<namespace> backends: - service: bookstore weight: 50 - service: bookstore-v2 weight: 50
Split traffic between Two versions of BookStore service - 0/100
kubectl apply -f $osmFolderPath/yamls/traffic-split-v2.yaml
apiVersion: split.smi-spec.io/v1alpha2 kind: TrafficSplit metadata: name: bookstore-split namespace: bookstore spec: service: bookstore.bookstore # <root-service>.<namespace> backends: - service: bookstore weight: 0 - service: bookstore-v2 weight: 100
osm dashboard&
kubectl patch meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n osm-system -p '{"spec":{"observability":{"tracing":{"enable":true,"address": "jaeger.osm-system.svc.cluster.local","port":9411,"endpoint":"/api/v2/spans"}}}}' --type=merge
Egress is pods to the outside world is blocked by default
Deploy curl application
kubectl create ns curl kubectl apply -f $osmFolderPath/yamls/curl.yaml kubectl get pods -n curl
Go Inside the curl pod
kubectl exec -it <curl-pod-name> -n curl -- sh curl http://httpbin.org/get
Check Egress from curl pod fails
Now Enable Egress for Pods
kubectl patch meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n osm-system -p '{"spec":{"featureFlags":{"enableEgressPolicy":true}}}' --type=merge
- Go Inside the curl pod again
kubectl exec -it <curl-pod-name> -n curl -- sh curl http://httpbin.org/get
- Check Egress from curl pod working as expected
List all Namespaces under OSM scanner
osm ns list --mesh-name=osm
Remove Namespaces from OSM scanner
osm namespace remove bookbuyer --mesh-name=osm osm namespace remove bookstore --mesh-name=osm osm namespace remove bookthief --mesh-name=osm osm namespace remove bookwarehouse --mesh-name=osm
Restart the deployment as Envoy sidecars are deleted
kubectl rollout restart deployment bookbuyer -n bookbuyer kubectl rollout restart deployment bookstore -n bookstore kubectl rollout restart deployment bookthief -n bookthief kubectl rollout restart deployment bookwarehouse -n bookwarehouse
UnInstall OSM from AKS cluster
osm uninstall --mesh-name=osm
Authentication thru OAuth or OIDC
Deep integration with Azure AD B2B and B2C scenarios
APIM Policies
- Caching
- Rate Limiting
- Retry
- URL Rewrite
- Response/Response body transformation e.g. JSON to XML and vice versa
- Control Flow and Usage
- Custom Role, RBAC
- .....
#Declare Local variables for APIM
#Deploy APIM on AKS
Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/api-management/how-to-deploy-self-hosted-gateway-kubernetes
kubectl create secret generic apimesh-token -n apimesh --from-literal=value="GatewayKey apimesh&202112041054&73uoRfRgH4qcMmDvNzaL4dKRCoFI9IbCYhkJzrrvl1aVAaW5+bCghCsLDdEnMWbQJHiOkzUWzt093ocZRfb6BA==" --type=Opaque
kubectl apply -f $apimeshPath/apimesh.yaml -n apimesh
#Expose APIM as Internal LoadBalancer Service
#Check Comments
Modify $apimeshPath/apimesh.yaml
#Public facing L7 LoadBalancer like Application Gateway would call this Service directly
#Define RatingsAPI (deloyed earlier) behind APIM
#Test API calls through Application Gateway
Example - APIM Service
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: apimesh annotations: service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-internal: "true" service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-internal-subnet: "secondary-ingress-subnet" spec: #Define type as LoadBalancer type: LoadBalancer #Assign a fixed Private IP loadBalancerIP: ports: - name: http port: 80 targetPort: 8080 - name: https port: 443 targetPort: 8081 selector: app: apimesh
Define APIs behind APIM
Separate Failure domain - Faliure of one cluster transfers control to Others
Supporting different/heteropgeneous networks
- Custom solution using K8s REST API
- Monitor Cluster Metric and Scale Applications across Multiple clusters
- On-Prem to Cloud Scaling on need basis