- Implicitly enabled extensions will show as enabled in Moonbase, to prevent confusion with libraries
- Added the Rocketship extension for better Linux support when using rocketship
- Extension descriptions can use more advanced Markdown formatting
- Added declarative URL blocking
- Fixed a bug relating to duplicated extensions
- Added the Native Fixes extension
- Extensions from local search paths show up clearly
- Extensions properly show up in Moonbase when they are missing metadata
- Moonbase tells you when extensions have updates
- Added Notice library for showing banners at the top of the screen
- moonlight no longer makes a mess in the global scope
- Nix support was improved, adding a module for home-manager
- The filesystem was abstracted to make porting extensions to the browser easy
- Installed extensions on different API levels properly show up in Moonbase
- moonlight can now be updated within Moonbase (requires moonlight installer v0.2.1 or later)
- Extensions can specify their compatible environments, now that browser support exists
- Extensions can register custom settings pages