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Add CI for latest Moose version(s) #1

Add CI for latest Moose version(s)

Add CI for latest Moose version(s) #1

# This workflows runs your tests as specified in your .smalltalk.ston configuration file.
name: Run tests
# Only one trigger is necessary, keep only the ones you need. Default branch is set by default, change it according to your needs.
# Find more information here: #
branches: [ "v2" ]
branches: [ "v2" ]
uses: moosetechnology/.github/.github/workflows/run-tests.yml@main
secrets: inherit
# Optional inputs: un-comment the lines below. See documentation in the next commented paragraph.
# with:
# pharo-versions: "[ 'Moose64-trunk' ]"
# create-artifact: true
# image-name: ""
# pre-upload-script: ""
# run-coverage: true # Don't forget to modify you .smalltalk.ston file!
############ INPUTS DOCUMENTATION ############
# pharo-version:
# An array of strings corresponding to a Pharo or Moose image.
# Default is the Pharo versions compatible with the latest Moose version.
# Alternatively, you can:
# - set the value of this option with valid Pharo or Moose versions (always an array, even if you set only 1 image). See available images here:
# - assign a Moose version to your branch using repository variables. See
# The default Pharo version will then be the available Pharo versions corresponding to this Moose version.
# create-artifact:
# A boolean.
# Default is false.
# Set it to true to build an artifact containing all the files necessary to run your image locally. Note that smalltalkCI will be deleted from this image.
# image-name:
# A string.
# If create-artifact is set to true, this will be the beginning of the name of the artifact and the image in it.
# The full name of each artifact will be <imagename>-<pharo-version>. This way you get an artifact per pharo version used.
# Default value: <RepositoryName-branchName>
# Alternatively, you can:
# - set the value of this option to a name valid for all branches targeted by your workflow
# - assign an image name to your branch using repository variables. See
# pre-upload-script:
# A string that can be executed in Pharo.
# If create-artifact is set to true, this will be executed in the image after the tests are run and before uploading the artifact.
# It is mostly used when you need to register information from the workflow run. For example, store commit ID.
# If you do not need workflow information, you can instead use smalltalkCI custom scripts:
# Default value: ""
# run-coverage:
# Compute coverage using Coveralls.
# See for more documentation.
# Be sure to run on packages or classes in the repository (not loaded via dependency)