Templates need to copy into Android Studio installation folder:
/Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/plugins/android/lib/templates/activities
This template creates basic project structure and contains common libraries and tools that help us to speed up initial project setup. So this template contains basic Dagger boilerplate and base classes for android framework components (Activty, Fragment). Also this template uses the following tools that perform static code analysis: Android Lint, FindBug, PDM, CPD.
Here is a project structure that creates:
| - .gitlab-ci.yml
| - build.sh
| - build_customer.sh
| - deploy.sh
| - deploy_customer.sh
| - check.sh
+-- tools
| +-- config
| - lint.xml
| - git-version.gradle
| - icon-badge.gradle
| - lint.gradle
| - localise.gradle
+-- app
| +-- dependencies
| - dagger.gradle
| - debugging.gradle
| - multidex.gradle
| - rx.gradle
| - support.gradle
| - debug.keystore
| +-- com.moqod.android.app
| +-- debug
| - DebugTools.java
| +-- release
| - DebugTools.java
| +-- main
| - App.java
| +-- di
| +-- activity
| - ActivityBindingsModule.java
| - ActivityScope.java
| +-- app
| - AppComponent.java
| - AppModule.java
| +-- fragment
| - FragmentScope.java
| +-- presentation
| +-- common
| - BaseActivity.java
| - BaseFragment.java
| - BasePresenter.java
| +-- activity_main
| - MainActivity.java
| - MainActivityComponent.java
This template creates the following classes structure:
+-- feature_package_name
| - FeatureActivity.java
| - FeatureActivityComponent.java
This template creates the following classes structure:
+-- feature_package_name
| +-- injection
| - FeatureFragmentComponent.java
| - CustomFragment.java
| - CustomFragmentContract.java
| - CustomPresenter.java