This is the scenario builder for the Emergency Response Game, Portland State University Capstone Senior Project - completed Winter 2013 by Team Banana for Clark College.
Recently Added
- Partially loads scenario from JSON file.
- Partially displays Floor Widget for editing details for a Floor.
- Floor Widget now partially displays rooms, laid out in a grid. Rooms can be added or removed.
- Can re-open a scenario, using "recent" menu.
Previously Added
- New scenarios can be created.
- Player dialog shows X, Y, Z, and facing start values as well as starting inventory items.
- Editing player dialog values persists (the scenario objects are updated).
- Inactive Props can be added (when creating new scenario).
- Floors, Conversations, Triggers can be added when creating new scenario.
- Floors, Conversations, Triggers, Inactive Props can be removed. Have stubbed edit buttons too.
- Shortcut keys for adding Floors (Ctrl+Shift+F), Conversations (Ctrl+Shift+C), Triggers (Ctrl+Shift+T), and Inactive Props (Ctrl+Shift+P). Also for opening Player Properties (Ctrl+P) and Annotations (Ctrl+A).
- Inactive features of application are now indicative of this nature via warning messages (and timers work).
To do
- License (GPL because Qt will be included)
- Open Scenario - Parsing JSON: (In Progress)
- Save Scenario to JSON.
To do later
- Trigger Tracker - more details on triggers (how they are started, how many entry points they have, etc)
- Objective Tracker - same as trigger tracker, for objectives
- Prop Manager - e.g. When adding inactive props, be able to search the prop collection