An application to store, retrieve, and query flight deals. Flight deals are sent to the application regularly by multiple website scrapers. These scrapers search Google flight, Skyscanner, Kayak etc.
- Node.js
- Typescript
- Express
- Prisma
- Jest
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Create endpoint needs protecting, will need to distribute authorisation keys to scrapers.
- Currency codes are not validated, using an invalid one will fail silently.
- A dedicated CSV parsing library should be used to replace the naive string splitting approach.
Requires latest version of Node.js.
$ npm install
Sign up to openexchangerates:
Get your app id:
Create a .env file with the app id in the OXR_APP_ID field.
An example .env
is provided at .env.example
$ npx prisma generate
$ npx prisma migrate dev
The following commands are available in package.json:
- start: starts the local dev server
- test: runs the tests
- format: formats the code base
- lint: lints the code base
For example:
$ npm run start
The create API is an endpoint that accepts and stores data from the scrapers.
It accepts pricing data via http POST requests.
The data should be provided as text/csv
in the body of the HTTP POST request.
The structure of the CSV data (The header row is optional):
The query API is an endpoint to retrieve the best prices for a particular route.
The airport code for the route's origin.
The airport code for the route's destination.
When provided, will only include flights after and including this date.
When provided, will only include flights before and including this date.
When provided, will only include flights after this time of day.
When provided, will only include flights before this time of day.
When provided, will only include flights whose duration in minutes is less than this.
To query for flights between Cardiff and Heathrow:
To query flights less than hour long in duration:
To query flights between a date range:
To query flights between a time range:
To insert rows into the database (with csv body, see above for format):