Inji Mobile Wallet is a mobile application specifically created to streamline all types of identification and credentials into one digital wallet. It offers a secure, trustworthy, and dependable mobile Verifiable Credentials wallet designed to fulfil the following functions
- Download and store Verifiable Credentials
- Share Verifiable Credentials
- Enable users to log in to relying parties with their credential
- Generate a QR code for the credential to be shared offline with relying parties.
for more details refer here
Be sure to have the following build tools installed before proceeding:
- React Native 0.71.8
- Hermes Engine enabled
- Expo 49.0.23
- node v16.19.0
- npm 8.19.3
- Java 17
- Gradle 7.5.1
- Android SDK
- minSdkVersion = 24
- compileSdkVersion = 34
- targetSdkVersion = 34
- ndkVersion = 21.4.7075529
- kotlinVersion = 1.9.0
- XCode = >15
- Minimum Deployment Target = 13.0
- cocoapods > 1.12
- Ruby >= 2.6.10
If you ever want to use something in your local environment based on your customization and in need of using environment files other than default (.env), you can add some variables to your .env.local file.
Create a .env.local
file using .env
as your template in your root directory :
# Mimoto Server
# ESignet Server
# Telemetry Server
Telemetry Dashboard =
#Application Theme can be ( grdaient | purple ), defaults to grdaient theme
#environment can be changed if it is toggled
#Inji Wallet CLIENT ID for Data backup & Restore
for more information on the backend services refer here.
For local build, update targetSdkVersion and compleSdkVersion to 33. There is some known issues in the debug build with targetSdk version and compleSdkVersion = 34.
Step 1: Generate debug keystore for building debug build. [One time activity]
keytool \
-genkey -v \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keyalg RSA \
-keysize 2048 \
-validity 10000 \
-storepass 'android' \
-keypass 'android' \
-alias androiddebugkey \
-keystore android/app/debug.keystore \
-dname "CN=io.mosip.residentapp,OU=,O=,L=,S=,C=US"
Export keystore. Run the below command in your terminal.
export DEBUG_KEYSTORE_ALIAS=androiddebugkey
Step 2: Clone the inji repository and create an android/
file with the following data:
sdk.dir = <location-of-the-android-sdk>
Alternatively, you can open the Android folder in the android studio. It will create file with sdk.dir = .
Step 3: Update the mimoto url and esignet host in the .env file.
- mimoto url:
- esignet host:
Step 4: Go to the root folder of the project in the terminal. Install all the dependencies using npm install
Step 5: Build and run the application on the device:
- Run
npm run android:mosip
to build and install the application on the device. - Run
npm run android:mosip --reset-cache
to build and install the application if any change is made in the .env file.
Note: Alternative to building and running app via react native CLI, it can be built via Android Studio. The app is available in this repository's ./android
directory. Open this directory in Android Studio (version
4.1 and above) and the app can be built and run from there.
Refer to the documentation of Inji Wallet's build and deployment android section for the steps to build the android application.
More info here:
Step 1: Install all the dependencies
npm install
npx pod-install
Step 2: Run Metro bundler in the background
npm start
Step 3: Run Inji directly to a connected device Command to run on simulator
npm run ios
Step 4: Command to run real device
npm run ios -- --device
Refer to the documentation of Inji Wallet's build and deployment iOS section for detailed steps to build the iOS application.
More info here:
- React Native - Publishing to the App Store
- Apple Developer - Distributing Your App for Beta Testing and Releases
Please refer here for contributing to Inji
Credits listed here
If you can't get this to work, see the Troubleshooting page. this project runtime can be debugged using Flipper.
To learn more about React Native, take a look at the following resources:
- React Native Website - learn more about React Native.
- Getting Started - an overview of React Native and how setup
environment. - Learn the Basics - a guided tour of the React Native basics.
- Blog - read the latest official React Native Blog posts.
- the Open Source; GitHub repository for
React Native.