This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
Quick summary This is the repository for the VTUF-3D urban micro-climate model. It was created as part of the PhD thesis for Kerry Nice. ====
- Summary of set up
Has been tested on Ubuntu using
gfortran 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6 amd64 GNU Fortran 95 compiler
Clone repository
The code has some circular depenencies. Run 'make' three times to create the executable.
$ cd /home/thud/projects/VTUF-3D/repository/VTUF-3D/
$ make
$ make
$ make
Contact Kerry Nice for set up and configuration of the model.
Example run is contained in Unzip to a directory, modify some files, and run:
$ mkdir /tmp/Preston
$ cd /tmp/Preston/
$ unzip /tmp/
$ cd PrestonBase8/
$ cp /home/thud/projects/VTUF-3D/repository/VTUF-3D/TUF3Dradiation .
$ rm confile.dat
$ cp 1/1/confile.dat .
$ ./TUF3Dradiation
- Writing tests
- Code review
- Other guidelines
- Repo owner or admin Kerry Nice
- Other community or team contact