Moonstone aims to provide a way of performing analysis of metagenomics counts from raw data to statistical analysis and visualization of the results.
Thus, in moonstone you will find:
- parsers for common file types for metagenomics counts
- modules for cleaning and filtering your data
- normalization modules
- analysis modules
- plot modules
The main idea is to keep track of every steps applied to a raw data to be able to easily share the analysis and reproduce it.
Please check our documentation for more information.
Set up a Python 3 virtual env, for instance:
python3 -m virtualenv moonstone
source moonstone/bin/activate
(moonstone) $
Then simply install the last published version of moonstone:
(moonstone) $ pip install moonstone
You can also install dependencies required for development : pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
More detailed documentation is available on the documentation.
Moonstone is directly callable from your terminal for available built-in analysis scripts:
(moonstone) $ moonstone --help
usage: moonstone [-h] [-f filtering] [-p] [-k clusters] [-s variable]
[-sr variable] [-sc variable] [-rf variable]
countfile metadata
Microbiota Analysis Scripts for Machine LEarning
positional arguments:
countfile Normalized count file input
metadata Clinical data input file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f filtering Minimum mean reads per variable: use a float >0
-p Generates PCA plot of data
-k clusters Runs K-Means clustering. Provide number of clusters
-s variable Run SVMachine Classification
-sr variable SVM Classifier with ROC Analysis
-sc variable SVM and output Classifier Components
-rf variable Random Forest Analysis, using supplied variable
To work on a new feature, related or not to an issue, we open a new branch from the development (currently master
) branch to work on it.
If an issue is opened, we recommend to name your branch with the issue number at the begining, e.g. 5-my-new-feature
Once done, work is reviewed through a pull request.