- Plays pre-scaled mjpeg files from the SD card.
- Pressing the button changes to the next video.
- Long pressing the button rotates the playback by 180 degrees.
- Both the current video selection and current rotation are saved in the flash ram, so that they can be restored when you plug the T-Dongle back in.
- Modify the convert.bat file to crop and scale the videos of your choice, but you must make sure that they end up at 160x80 resolution.
- The playback frame rate will default to 30FPS, but adding -fpsXX to the end of the filename will override this. e.g. NeverGonna-fps25.mjpg
- Copy the converted files to the root of a MicroSD card and insert into the T-Dongle
- Plug in the T-Dongle and the first video will play and loop
- Pressing the button will cycle through the videos, and long pressing will rotate by 180 degrees.
- If the frame rate drops below the requested FPS, the LED will flash red. If this happens, try reducing the quality setting of the conversion or try a faster MicroSD card