This repository contains the materials and code for the tutorial given at SoFlo Dev Con 2022 by Misha Klopukh.
In this workshop, we will make a Raspberry Pi-based image classifier from scratch. In just 45 minutes, we will:
- Generate a dataset from an image search;
- Fine-tune a neural network classifier in the cloud;
- Load our model onto a Raspberry Pi for inference;
- Create a real-time camera -> model -> display loop; and
- Demonstrate our new device in practice.
Everything in this tutorial is cheap and easy to get. To follow along, you'll need:
- A computer with access to the internet.
- A basic understanding of Python programming
- A google account (for Google Colaboratory)
- Optional: A Weights&Biases account (for run logging)
- A Raspberry Pi or equivalent (must be 64-bit)
- A camera module
- Some LED's
- Run through the training notebook
- Follow these instructions to set up your Raspberry Pi
- Make it your own!